
Day dreaming

It's Friday! I guess 90% of workers are feeling extremely good today, so do I. Have been sitting on my work place for 3 hours now. Honestly, I spent 80% of the past 3 hours for day dreaming...
I was thinking why would a MNC company changed their style so sudden, and it's like a Chinaman company which restrict it's employees in this and that...

Last few days ago someone told me that my previous company issued the best bonus for year 2008, and he asked If I regret. It was a funny question, to me, I am very happy to escape from the heck place and heck people. Although I am curious why would some people who have escaped from it would like to jump into it again, lol. Good things countinuosly happen after I left the place. Both Johnson and I have more expectation by year 2009. For now, the most important thing in our life is to take care of my health. Afterall, we would be stepping into the next level in life by next year.

I have been hearing some sad news from my good friend's blog last week. I know it would be a hard time for her but I wish her all the best and good thing will happen to her soon.

Ah, talking so many rubbish... Now is the time for lunch, till here.... ~ Rane

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