
Market is bad?

Everyone is saying that the Market is very bad, a lot of people are losing their jobs and etc. Is this real? I don’t think so. From what I’ve seen from bank this morning, It was showing that a lot of people are having extra money, especially those aunties and uncles.

I went to Maybank at 9:15am today to buy Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020. When I got to the bank, people are already queuing until the entrance. Lucky I have a passbook and just need to top-up, so the bank officer passed me a top-up number which is no. 35. By 9:20am, it only started no.1. So I went back home to work, and got back to the bank at 12:20pm. By that time, it was not as crowded as morning. I went to the counter and asked what number is it now? Who knows the officer said ASW was fully SOLD OUT by 11:45am! And the last number which managed to buy was no. 30! Har, did I hear her say wrongly? To my doubt, I asked another teller, but I have got the same answer!!! I thought that people already bought SUKUK, and ASN before thus this time shouldn’t be a lot of people buying ASW. But it proves that my thought was wrong! Even If people have bought SUKUK or ASN, they still have money to buy ASW. And I guess mainly of them are buying the maximum unit, which is RM20k and made the 9 million funds reserved for non-bumi sold out in just 3 hours+.

So, don’t ever tell me that the Market is bad now, this is so not true and is a LIE. And to all bosses, don’t use this as an excuse not to revise your employee’s salary or bonus because God know all of you are LIAR.


自从怀孕之后,家人和老公都对我特别照顾。除了中药补品,丞燕千禧泉不说,连平常一年才喝两三次的燕窝也吃得频繁了。虽然mother 有炖燕窝给我吃,但是老公还特买了两罐老行家即食燕窝要我吃。说吃了之后宝贝皮肤会很漂亮。因为是baby girl,所以这很重要呵呵。那是不是说如果下次怀男的就不用吃了呢?






4 月2 号那一天,我的 SE 电话不会响了,没听到老公的电话,结果被训话了一顿。当下老公就抓着我去电话店选新电话了。看了好久,才看中这个 Nokia 5800 XpressMusic。

这电话是3G 的,所以以后就可以 Video call 老公 spot check 啦,哈哈哈哈!虽然心里有点不爽无端端被骂,还有点心疼又花了老公的一笔钱,但是还是要感谢老公送我这个新玩具啦。hehehe

另外,4 月2 号也是姐姐的生日哦,祝姐姐青春美丽,财源广进,生意兴隆。





●血容量增加  怀孕后,孕妇的血容量会随着孕周的增加而不断增加,至孕32至34周时达最高峰,比妊娠前约增加35%,平均增加1500毫升。  
●血管通透性改变  由于循环血容量增加,心脏排出的血量就会增高。同时,全身的毛细血管床数目增多了,管径也增粗了,其结果就是会有更多的(平均增加25%)液体“穿过”毛细血管壁进入组织间隙。  
●下肢静脉压增高  因为妊娠后大量的血液要从胎儿“居住的”子宫流至下腔静脉,从而会导致下腔静脉压升高;另外,妊娠20周以后,增大的子宫又会压迫盆腔静脉及下腔静脉,使静脉血液回流受阻,于是下肢静脉压就进一步升高了。  请注意以下3项变化是孕期里本该发生的正常变化。  减轻腿、脚肿的对策  
●经常穿紧身袜,以减轻下肢静脉曲张的程度。  异常的孕期腿、脚肿的特点  



盈珊,都是你害的啦 :P

昨天放工时收到盈珊的短讯,告诉我说“猫猫叫服装店”正在举行70%减价!我当时还回复她说我现在不能买了,叫她 enjoy her shopping。没想到,当我开车经过 Hartamas时,竟然不知觉的转进去,停车,然后还是去了那里血拼了一番。我很开心买了一个包包,首饰,裤子和 Cardigan。回到家show 给老公看,结果是 certified not claimable from him 了,因为他说我没有买给 baby 哦!讨厌!没关系,我自己买,哼。

其实我心里意犹未尽,这几天还想去 Damansara, Uptown 和Bangsar 的分店看有什么好 kang tao 呵呵。因为昨天那里我买不到另一个包包,left only last piece display and 肮脏。我现在还搞到没有心工作哦,盈珊,都是你害的啦!现在我满脑袋都想着几时去,去哪一间先 etc 的。但是,还是要谢谢你告诉我这Kang Tao 哦!锡晒你哦!

久违的 Krispy Creme

听说 Krispy Creme 就快降临马来西亚了!心情是又开心又期待的。还记得 2006 年第一次在Melbourne 接触它,就深深地爱上它了。那一年从 Sydney 回国,也带回了两打甜甜圈才甘愿。

马来西亚总是比其它国家落后,2009 年了才有 Krispy Creme。反而别的没有那么著名的牌子,如苹果,J 等等却早已有了。这情况就好像 Starbucks 比 Coffee Bean 迟登陆那样。为什么会那样呢?真奇怪。

Sepang F1, what a dramatic race.

Yesterday was the second F1 race at Sepang Malaysia. This year I watched it from home with hubby due do 7.5 moths pregnancy, however it was more exciting and dramatic than last year while we watched from Sepang Circuit itself.

This year the new team, Brawn Mercedes has the first and forth place in pole position. However, it was so dramatic and changes for the race. Sepang F1 was postponed 2 hours and started at 5pm MYT. While the race started, rain has been expected and at the last 23 laps, heavy thunder rain has caused the red flag, to appear, meaning race has been stopped! And it has never been restarted since then and 2 hours has been passed just like that. Brawn Button has won the race again but pity Trulli was "overtake" by Heildfeld and Glock then. What a race!

I have never saw this in F1 before, I believe so do many other people. The funny thing was, my baby started kicking after the race has been stop by the rain and until it was over, baby only started to calm down. Looks like she'll be another F1 fans in future.... :D



打电话问医生,他问我是不是吃错东西,或者吃太酸辣和喝太多汽水。我想应该是吧,昨晚吃了一碗鸡酒面线,前几天连续两天吃肉骨茶,asam laksa,麦当劳,汽水等等的。原来这些都是对 baby 不好的。为了baby,我一定要戒口,别再那么贪吃了。

希望我们的baby girl 会像侄女们那么可爱就好了。

