
Jia Rye fall sick again :/

Last Friday was a holiday, not for me but for my nanny lol.

I took care Jia Rye from last Friday till Sunday with my mother in law.

Everything was fine until Saturday midnight, I discovered Jia Rye was fever and her body was so hot. I gave her fever dose Sunday morning and then I went out with hubby for an old friends gathering in the noon. I received sister-in-law's call at 3pm asking me If I keep any bye-bye fever pad in the fridge. I knew JR condition turned bad. We quickly rushed home and found that JR was still hot and refused to drink or eat. However the padeatrician already closed at 1pm. We had no choice but gave her some oral aid drop and put the fever pad on her forehead. It didn't make her feel better, she still refused to drink milk and water. Yesterday she had just 14 oz milk in the whole day compared to 32 oz in normal day. I really feel sad and helpless  :'(

This morning I requested to work from home and then I took her to see doctor. She had more medicines now but her throat still pain, and refused to drink. I really want my princess Jia Rye recover soon, can drink and eat as much as she like just like the day before.

rincess, mummy doesn't mind if you are chubby baby anymore, mummy just want you to be healthy happy baby. Luv...

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