
Facebook Pros & Cons

I know this topic has been discussed thousands of times, but today I felt like I wanted to shout out my opinion!

Facebook has helped people to connect to their friends, networks and family, some even are lost connection for many many years. It's good in term of Community(at least I found it is much better than Frienster which was popular in Malaysia few years back) and to share your feelings, thought, videos and photos with your dear friends.

There are more and more competitions running in Facebook, where judge by the number of "likes". Now, this is the part I hate the most because it's unfair. People can open hundreds and thousands of FB account with fake details and voted as they like. Why can't those companies that running the contests judge the winners themselves? But using the count of "like"?


Anyhow I found out that a recent contest that I participated is using the "Like" mechanism! aih, looking at other competitors that easily gets hundreds votes, I think my hope for winning is low. However, for those who are reading this post, please help me to vote by following the 2 steps below,

1) "Like" Trudy & Teddy's page at
2) "Like" Jia Rye's photo at!/photo.php?pid=4997123&id=108879074770&ref=fbx_album&fbid=443745214770

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