
Jessying Birthday Giveaway

Jessying is having a Birthday Giveaway, feel free to join at Jessying. There are plenty of prizes for you to win! :D

How to join ?

1) Be Jess' blog followers via google friend connect in order to join giveaway
2) You gotta leave Jess a comment (together with your follower ID & valid email which you use to follow Jess blog) under this post and tell Jess which the blog entry that you like to read the most and the reason why? (+ 1 point)
3) If you are on facebook and share this giveaway - (+ 1 point ) ( Please add Jess and link it back to Jess at - make sure your facebook setting allow me to see your post or add Jess
4) If you are on twitter and share this giveaway - (+1 point) ( please provide the link to Jess at - make sure your twitter setting allow Jess to see your post or add me ya!
3) If you are a blogger, and you blog about this - (+ 2 points) plus entitle to join to win the gorgeous eyeshadow palette
4) Add Jess in your blog blogroll (+2 points) - Kindly mentioned this in your entry

Eg of entry (kindly compose all info in one post)

Follower ID : Jess Lee
Twitter post : xxx ....(+ 1 point)
Facebook post : xxx.... (+ 1 point)
Added in blogroll - xxx..... (+2 points)
Blog about giveaway : xxx....( + 2 point + entitle to join & win the eye palette prize)
Answer: The blog entry that I like to read the most is ....( +1 point)

Rules & Regulations
1) Open to all local readers and international readers.
2) Contest runs for one month starting from 26 October 2010 (5pm) to 26 November 2010 (12am) (Malaysian time GMT +0800),
3) Please make sure name and email you use to join this giveaway is same with the one that you use to subscribe/follow me via google friend connect. Or it is very difficult for me to trace you :)
4) Each person is only entitle to join this giveaway once. And I promise if there is a lot of entry to join this giveaway, I will add in more prizes !
5) Terms & Conditions apply and my decision on the contest is final. Winners will be notified by email

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    This is such a nice gift! God bless you,
