
Cres Ultra Rejuvenation Crystallinear Therapy 即速美颜再生水晶疗法

Girls always want to be as fair as Snow white, but in reality, this is like a dream to most of us, especially urban ladies. Polluted air, stress, and lack of exercise has made my face look dull and uneven skin tone. Everyday I have to put on makeup to cover my imperfect skin. :(

Thanks to Cres, I have finally found a solution to it. A painless and fast result solution, one and for all. Introducing to all my readers, Cres Ultra Rejuvenation Crystallinear Therapy.

CRES Ultra Rejuvenation Crystallinear Therapy is a highly effective reversal and therapeutic treatment which combined the mighty energy of the natural crystal and the state-of –the-art nano-technology. It can unblock and activate the lymph nodes, increase the flow of nutrients to the cells, and thus stimulate better and faster cell repair and renewal, leaving skin instantly revitalized and ultra smooth like baby’s skin. 创新高效护理,经过潜心研究,撮合天地灵气,大自然元素及高超纳米科技,CRES即速美颜再生水晶疗法 Ultra Rejuvenation Crystallinear Therapy可疏通排补经络,舒缓紧张压力, 激活怠惰阻滞的淋巴神经,有效输送养分精华到肌肤细胞,再刺激生长因子施令干细胞进行更新,再生及修复,从而影响与老化相关的基因运作,让肌肤还原至年轻时甚至婴儿时的肤状, 更同时平衡愉悦身,心及灵。

Crystallinear Treatment Core Essence主要水晶疗法精华

Using top grading natural quartz crystal with different level of mineral contents based on different skin condition requirement. 采用纯正天然水晶,根据皮肤问题及状况决定水晶的矿物质含量及类别.

Experiencing the pleasure very relaxing and enchanting therapeutic Chakra Massage. Its main function is to unblock and stimulate lymph nodes, increase blood circulation to allow more oxygen and nutrients to the body’s organs; it stimulates the release of endorphins to remove and soften tension and stress of the body and mind. 体验独创的脉轮按摩,极之的舒解身心疲劳,疏通激活经络淋巴神经,完全的放松舒缓身心紧张压力,有效输送养分精华到肌肤细胞

Anti Aging Essence:Containing Liposomal Fibroblast Growth Factor and Epidermis Growth Factor, helps to revive skin cell, restores damage tissue and stimulates new cell growth, making skin look young and glowing. 含有纤维细胞生长因子及表皮生长因子, 能修复肌肤组织,促进新细胞进行更生, 让肌肤回春,变得年轻亮丽

Hydrating Essence: Containing Flexin that can activate white blood cells for a faster damaged tissue repair thus tightening and reducing wrinkle effectively. It is also rich in Hyaluronic Acid leaving skin ultra nourished and moisturized. The existence of Inhipase reduces inflammation and sensitivity of the skin, leaving skin soothed and calmed. 能促进白血球快速修复肌肤组织, 拥有丰富的滋润成分, 能有效抗敏及镇定肌肤,让肌肤超强保湿锁水

Whitening Essence: Containing Arbutin from Bearberry Extract. It inhibits tyrosinase and thus prevents the formation of melanin, leaving skin very well toned and lightened, with a layer of egg like smoothness being felt. 有效控制黑色素的产生,帮助暗沉肌肤变得美白亮丽,色泽更均匀,肌肤美白嫩滑如蛋

Enzymatic Masque : A specially customized natural fruit enzyme complex works to remove dead skin cells accumulated on the skin surface, allowing effective absorbance of skin care nutrients deeper into the epidermis and dermis layers. It can also reduce skin discoloration problem and bring a fairer looking skin tone. 含有天然水果酵素,去除堆叠的角质层,建构健康角质细胞,让保养成份能有效的渗入,到达肌层。也可有效改善肤色不均匀问题,让肌肤美白晶莹

Matrix Masque: It is an enriched collagen fortified masque that hydrates, tones and refines. Stimulates collagen production for a firmer and more youthful facial contour and skin elasticity. 富有高浓度胶原蛋白及海藻,极速激活年轻基因,抗老回春,让肌肤莹润有弹性,晶细亮丽

Soft Masque: Containing Ginseng Extract that revitalizes the skin while lubricating it to improve elasticity and tone. In addition to re-hydration, cells are oxygenated, calmed, soothed and softened. 含有抗氧化人参营养素,能调理和修复健康的神采,强化肌肤的弹力,补充水分,提供氧分,让肌肤充分得到镇定平和,变得柔滑细嫩


2 hours later!! 2 个小时后!

Instant face lift, skin is unbelievably tightened, whitened and hydrated

1. Instant Pore refining 细缩毛孔,肌肤超嫩如婴儿

2. Instant Whitening and spot lightening 肌肤变得非常白哲,效果持久

3. Ultra smooth and radiant complexion 柔滑透亮如剥了壳的鸡蛋

4. Fine lines and wrinkle removing, look instantly younger细纹皱纹瞬间消失,年轻多岁

5. Ultra hydrating, calming and refreshing 超强保湿锁水,有效抗敏抗炎

6. Instant face lift, no more puffy face, face look thinner and sharper 紧致拉提肌肤,不再下垂松弛,消除面包脸, 轮廓显得精致,脸孔显得尖廋

Thanks to Cres for making my snow white dream comes true. My colleagues and friends have noticed big improvement with my skin even with just one treatment. I would definitely go for Cres Ultra Rejuvenation Crystallinear Therapy again to maintain my brighten fairly skin.

Last but not least, Cres is not only providing good facial treatment, but Cres environment is cozy and relaxing too. Please find some pictures of the branch I visited: Kepong Metro Prima below. I am sure you would love the environment as I do too. ;)

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