
Alluring Eyes with FreshKon :)

How to have bigger and brighter eyes instantly? I have recently found out the way, and it's easy. See my changes in pictures below;

After ~ like my Alluring eyes :)

Can you see? My eyes really look bigger and brighter!  And more importantly, it looks more alluring and attractive! Hmm what did I do? Indeed I just need one tool, that is ~ tada~ Freshkon Alluring eyes!

Find out FreshKon Alluring Eyes benefits below~

1. Full circle print means Bigger and Brighter eyes

2. 55% water content gives Better Comfort

3. Larger Optical Zone & Clear Vision

4. Wide power range (up to –10.00D)

- Non-powered lenses also available

- Able to meet consumers’ need

5. Long hour wearing > 8 hours

6.. Easy handling : No lens curling problem

7. Higher DK value (23) : Better ocular health

There are 4 colors for you to choose from: Mystical Black, Winsome Brown, Mesmeric Black, and Magnetic Grey. All colors are nice and look very natural. I was wearing Mesmeric Black in my pircures, looks great isn't it? ;)

Please check out Freshkon TVC below;

FreshKon Alluring Eyes is looking for a model for them, exciting, isn't it? It's pretty simple, look at the model search contest details in picture below;
Feel free to find out more details at Freshkon Malaysia Facebook link~
Good luck everyone, ah, and to myself too! ^ ^

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