
SK-II names fresh-faced International Model Sheila Sim as the New Icon of Crystal Clarity

SK-II has named international model and style icon Sheila Sim as the latest addition to its line-up of celebrity ambassadors, solidifying her status as the new face of crystal clarity.
As one of Singapore’s top supermodels, Sheila is known for her pixie good looks and authentic, fresh-faced charm. She now joins the ranks of other celebrities such as Cate Blanchett, Tang Wei, Haruka Ayase, Lee Sinje and Qi Qi as the iconic skincare brand’s newest ambassador – redefining SK-II’s image of crystal clarity with a youthful twist of sartorial sophistication.
Redefining the Standard of Crystal Clarity
The partnership between high fashion model Sheila Sim and luxury beauty brand SK-II is one that is bound by shared values of timeless elegance and authenticity. With its emphasis on transforming women’s lives through crystal clear skin, the brand has chosen a face that represents contemporary, natural grace – echoing SK-II’s image of authenticity.

“The collaboration with supermodel Sheila Sim makes perfect sense because we feel that she embodies a modern interpretation of beauty that’s very au courant yet authentic. We are confident that she will bring the message of crystal clarity to a new generation of women through her inspiring stories of transformation – both in skin and life,” said Samuel Kim, Vice-President, ASEAN & Asia Development Markets, Procter & Gamble Asia, on SK-II’s choice of its latest ambassador.

A Transformed Beauty Philosophy
While Sheila has spent the last ten years gracing international catwalks, being transformed each day into a new iconic image for fashion, she never thought a similar transformation was possible for her skin until she encountered SK-II.

“To be very honest, I was never loyal to any skincare products while I was growing up. I’ve always felt that I am born with whatever I have and there’s little you can do about it, so I shouldn’t be worried about skincare products.” Sheila said of her previous skin beliefs.

“But when SK-II approached me, I was interested to see what was possible,” she continues.

For Sheila, perfect skin is skin that is glowing, radiant and gorgeous, even without make up – something that has always been unattainable for her, until her first experience of SK-II.
Amazed by her Day-by-day Transformation

Intrigued by the unique bio-origins of Pitera™, Sheila embarked on her journey with SK-II starting with the brand’s signature miracle water, Facial Treatment Essence – and her experience was one of amazement. After just one use, she already noticed changes in her skin’s countenance. “I did not expect to see any difference after using Facial Treatment Essence for the first time. I was amazed to find that my complexion was brighter and clearer, in just one use.”

For the first few days, Sheila felt her skin was “not as obedient as it should be”. However, she was reassured by other SK-II users that Facial Treatment Essence was just working on her skin. “They were right,” Sheila confirms. “In fact, even after three days, I started to notice that my skin texture became more refined, and was smoother.”

But it was really after seven days that Sheila noticed that her skin became firmer and more sculpted. She saw an overall improvement in the condition of her skin, something that she had never experienced before with any other skincare brands. “At first, I thought it was just my imagination – but when I went out with my friends, they asked me if I was wearing makeup, and for the secret to my skin’s glowing radiance. That’s when I understood the meaning of crystal clarity.”
In just 14 days, Sheila experienced complete skin transformation. In fact, Facial Treatment Essence has changed the way she feels about her skin, and more importantly, herself. “Two weeks later, I observed that the fine lines around my eyes and mouth had become smoother and less visible. Also, as someone who is a fan of the sun and the outdoors, I was really amazed to see that the spots and freckles on my face lightened and became less visible.” Needless to say, the bona fide fashion icon is now a fervent fan of SK-II.

A Shift in the Five Dimensions of Crystal Clarity

And though she has always exuded poise and calm on the catwalk, the rising star now realizes the power of crystal clear skin to transform her life and her confidence. “Being a model means you need to look and feel your best at any given time. This is where SK-II has really given me that added boost of confidence. With SK-II, I know that my skin is in its best condition and is being given the best care. Facial Treatment Essence has truly shifted my skin across the five dimensions, and made crystal clarity a reality for me!”

The five dimensions of crystal clarity - texture, radiance, firmness, spot control and wrinkle resilience – were critical in tracking Sheila’s skin transformation, and more importantly, changing the way the international supermodel looks at and understands her skin. “The five dimensions are a holistic approach that frames beauty in a more practical way. By giving me a tangible way to look at and track my skin improvements, I now understand the key elements that need to be taken care of, in order to achieve crystal clear skin at any age.”

In fact, the beauty icon urges other young women to start committing to a skincare regimen now, so that they can reap the benefits later. “It’s never too early to follow a skincare regime that’s suited to your needs. I’ve learned that you need to invest in your skin’s future, and take care of your skin from an early age. So, start now!”

A Star-Studded Debut

Sheila was given a warm welcome at SK-II’s recent celebration in Shanghai in November 2011, where she made her international debut. Graced by a bevy of SK-II celebrity ambassadors – famed actress Tang Wei, accomplished actress Lee Sinje, international supermodel QiQi and SK-II MEN global ambassador Yoo Ji Tae – Sheila had the opportunity to share her transformation experience with the other celebrity ambassadors. Joining her on-stage were Lee Sinje and QiQi, giving Sheila the unique opportunity to exchange SK-II regimens and skin secrets with them from their years in the entertainment industry.
For the latest news and in-depth information about SK-II, please visit SK-II Facebook’s by clicking on the links below;

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