
We had fun at 4th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta!

Time flies! Could you believe it’s 19th March 2012 and the 4th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta has ended yesterday! Lucky me and my family had chance to witness some hot balloons’ settings and had a tethered ride together. :) It was my dream to ride on a hot balloon ever since I first saw it in the UK, many years back. Thanks to hubby and my sweet lil girl for the time and sacrifice of sleep to fulfill my dream.
If one wants to watch the balloons, it is advisable to reach Putrajaya Precinct 2 by 7am because the balloons will start rising from 7.30AM. Some balloons have long ride which is more than 1 hour that we wouldn’t have chance to see it after it has flying high.

We reached Putrajaya at about 8AM and we saw most of the balloons, including the giant birthday cake but we didn’t have chance to take the pictures because we were busy looking for a place to park our car. All the open car parks are full and some people have even parked at the road side. But please be aware that police issued summon to those unlucky ones who park at road side so for better sake, please find a proper car park to avoid penalties.

Now back to the balloons, just wanna share some pictures taken by hubby for those who have missed the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. Hope you’ll like it like I do. :)

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