
Beautiful necklace-only from Freshkon

Awhile ago I wrote about my love of Freshkon Dezigner lens HERE. Indeed, besides the buy 2 boxes free 1 box promotion, they are also giving away some beautiful and trendy peacock necklace to their customer! Hurray!

How to get these Money Can't Buy peacock necklace?

It is FREE with every purchase of 2 boxes FreshKon Alluring Eyes. You can read my review about FreshKon Alluring Eyes HERE. FreshKon Alluring Eyes is my second favourite lens(first fav is Freshkon Dezigner) and it is very comfortable lens for daily wear.

This promotion is available at major optical outlets, while stocks last!
So, what are you waiting for? Hurry run to optical shops to get one before it's run out of stock.

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