
Swiss line VIP Web Chat Series

It has been said that it is not what you know, but who you know…

Swiss line believes who you know, impacts what you know. So, Swiss line wants to give their customers across the globe direct VIP access to the very best plastic surgeons, dermatologists, nutritionists, fitness trainers and beauticians worldwide. These are the kind of people that you can never seem to get an appointment with, who regularly appear in the news, and are renowned experts in their fields. These are the people that if you met at a dinner party you would want to ask a million and one questions. Swiss line is happy to make the introduction for you, so you can begin your inquisition!


Throughout 2012, Swiss line will be hosting a bi-monthly web chat series on the Swiss line Facebook page . Over the course of the year, Swiss line will host 6 web chats in English, each lasting hour-and-a-half, which will feature a different celebrity spokesperson, i.e. an internationally renowned plastic surgeon, dermatologist, nutritionist or beautician, who will answer consumers` questions about the featured topic: aging and tired eyes; age prevention; sensitive skin; cleansing and resurfacing; non-invasive surgical procedures versus topical creams; or anti-aging skincare for men. The live web chats will enable consumers to communicate in real time with the celebrity via Facebook. Consumers will be encouraged to submit questions prior to each of the chats via, and during the live chat via a Facebook posting. All the chats will be archived on Facebook, so consumers who were not able to participate in the chat or simply want to refresh their memory about the chat, can review the transcripts at their leisure.

“Swiss line recognizes that more and more consumers – young and old - are turning to the internet for answers to their problems and concerns on an endless number of topics,” explains President and Founder of Swiss line, Michaël Massalsky. “But not everyone on the internet is qualified to answer the questions. Therefore, we wanted to handpick the “who`s who” in the world of health and beauty to answer our customers` specific questions about preventative and corrective aging as it pertains to their skin.”


Swiss line will continue it's VIP Web Chat Series on
with fitness trainer and TV personality, Kristy Curtis, on Wednesday, April 25th from 11:30-13:00 CET; 13:30-15:00 MSK; 17:30-19:00 MST/HKT.
Kristy Curtis, a leading health and fitness expert with Chinese and Malaysian roots, is a head trainer on the reality show, Biggest Loser Asia filmed in Malaysia. She runs her own personal training business, and is Group Fitness Instructor at Fitness First Australia.
Kristy sees her role on Biggest Loser Asia not only to educate the contestants, but also the Asian population on the importance of good nutrition and exercise. “On season 1 and season 2, I taught them if they trained their mind with positive thinking then the body would follow,” says Curtis. “It was about changing behaviours and mindsets and well as optimal nutrition and exercise.’
Kristy became involved in the fitness industry at a young age -- she competed in Sports Aerobics where she was a National Champion and qualified for the World Team. With over 17 years of experience in the industry, she is now writing her first book Achieve Your Goal Weight, due to be published at the end of 2012. She also is working on some exercise DVD’s.
Given Kristy Curtis` expertise is in the field of health and fitness, the upcoming web chat will revolve around age prevention: how to fight under eye wrinkles/fine lines; dark circles and loss of elasticity via either weight lifting, aerobic exercise, diet and/or skincare creams. Kristy Curtis will be joined by Swiss line skincare expert, Laura Nicholson, who will handle the skincare products/treatment related questions.
The chat will be pre-promoted via signage in Energy Day Spa, a chain of 3 spas recently rated 5 Star by Ministry of Tourism`s spa rating, and Swiss line`s exclusive representative spa in Malaysia. Energy Day Spa boasts an impressive roster of celebrity clientele, including: TV Host, actress & dancer, Jojo Struys, film actress & singer Chelsea Ng, TV Host, Daphne Iking, singer-songwriter Mizz Nina and MIX fm DJ, Serena C.

Additionally, it will be pre-promoted online on the Energy Day Spa web site (, as well as on the Swiss line corporate web site ( and via Facebook ( and Twitter (!/Swissline_skin).

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