
Mothercare 25 years of Parenting

Being a mother is not an easy task. Luckily we have Mothercare, a trusted shop which sells all good stuff that is suitable for babies, infants and toddlers. I have seen Mothercare in The UK 10 years back while I studied there, therefore I know Mothercare is a reliable store that really cares their customers & consumers.
Mothercare is always my first choice ever since my little princess was born 3 years ago. The brands that Mothercare offering consists of variety of Exclusive International brands such as Tommee Tippee feeding, Silver Cross Strollers, Baby Bjorn baby carriers, Melissa & Doug toys, Aden & Anais, See Kai Run, Early Learning Centre toys and  mothercare home brand products.

My girl is using Tommee Tippee closer to nature feeding bottles and suckers ever since she was born. Tommee Tippee closer to nature feeding bottles is made from BPA free material which is 100% safe for her and she always has good appetite with the easi-vent teat that mimics the natural flex, movement and softness of a mum’s breast. Even though my girl was breast fed for 9 months, she has never refused to drink from Tommee Tippee closer to nature feeding bottles during that time and she has never had problems switching to bottles completely after 9 months.

Tommee Tippee closer to nature feeding bottles is good in quality yet reasonable price.
I would visit Mothercare stores in Klang Valley whenever I am free because I like to buy Mothercare's jeans, dress and shirt to my girl. Mothercare always use the best material for clothes with English style design. My girl always feel comfortable yet fashionable in Mothercare clothing.

I would strongly encourage mothers to find out more about Mothercare because it provides best stuff from maternity, nursery, car seats to kid's accessories/toys with affordable price. I have never regret for all the items I purchased from Mothercare, honestly. They all are value for money.

Mothercare store is available at Bangsar Shopping Centre, Subang Parade, Suria KLCC, The Curve, Alamanda Putrajaya Shopping Centre, Mid Valley Megamall, Plaza Gurney, Pavillion Kuala Lumpur and 1 Utama. For more information about Mothercare, please visit or their Facebook page

女友 Levi‘s® Curve ID 博客大奖

现在,无论什么身形,幸福的女人们都能在 Levi‘s® Curve ID 牛仔裤系列里找到称心合意的牛仔裤。Levi‘s® 是家喻户晓的牛仔裤品牌。打从我小时候就时常听哥哥姐姐们说买牛仔裤一定要买 Levi‘s® 的。那时候的我觉得,天啊,这个品牌很贵呢,还在求学的我怎么可能负担得起?就在我出来社会工作后第一次领取薪水,我买了生平第一件 Levi‘s®。那满足感是我至今还深深记着的。回顾一下,那已经是十年前的事儿了。Levi‘s® 牛仔裤真的很耐穿,我那第一件Levi‘s®牛仔裤到现在还在我的衣橱里呢,真的是物有所值。
接下来呢我就变成Levi‘s®忠实客户咯。当我每年要添置新牛仔衣物时必定都会到Levi‘s® 去。在这儿要特别感谢Levi‘s® 推出Curve ID 牛仔裤系列,它让每个女人都能找到属于自己的完美牛仔裤!
超爱 Levi‘s® Curve ID 牛仔裤
如果你象我一样超喜爱 Levi‘s® 的话,就不可错过参加女友 Levi‘s® Curve ID 博客大奖。丰富的奖品在等着我们哦!呵呵。详情在 。有兴趣参赛者,赶紧在截止日期6月11日前提交报名哦。那如果你不识中文,别担心,您也可以参加英文版本的。浏览Female 杂志在。

Review: Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence

I am a regular Collagen drink consumer since few years back. I find that Collagen drink is very important for woman to fight with aging and sagging issues.
Embark on an early anti-aging regimen with Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence which contains 10,000mg of low molecular marine collagen from japan. This highly absorbable collagen helps firming your skin with an extra bounce and strength. While Nano-Pearl Powder contained helps revitalize and retrieve skin a sheer luminosity. With summation of Coenzyme Q10 to lessen oxidative stress, skin regains its youthful radiant and suppleness! It is Ideal for all health and beauty conscious women.
7 Key Benefits of Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence:

• Boost Skin firmness & reduce skin sagging

• Improve skin Texture & restore skin plumpness

• Lighten spots & brighten dull complexion

• Prevent again and soften wrinkles

• Defend cells from free-radical damage

• Nourish and enhance skin's moisture retaining ability

• Revive and rejuvenate the haggard-looking skin
3 Main Features:

• High concentration of marine collagen 10,000mg from Japan

• Low moleculer weight of 280 Dalton/10 X higher absorption

• 100% pure / nano-pearl powder and ceramide

Recommended Dosage:

Day 1 to Day 6: Consume one bottle daily on an empty stomach or before bedtime

Day 7 and onwards: Consume one bottle every alternate day

It's very easy to consume, just open the bottle and direct consume from bottle.
Note: You are not suppose to pour Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence into another glass but directly drink from the bottle itself. I have poured it into the transparent glass to show you the colour of the essence. The glass equal to a bottle of Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence

Marine Collagen, N-Glucosamine, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Collagen (HACP-U2), Pearl Powder, CoQ10, Ceramide P-1, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrapchio), Black Current Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Fruit Concentrated Juice, Fructosa, Apple Acid, Cellulose, Spices, RO Water
Storage Condition:

Store in cool, dry place, Protect from direct sunlight


• Pregnant and lactating women should consult doctor before consuming.

• No reported contraindication, drug interaction and side effect
Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence is selling at RM 188 for a box of 10 bottles. It's a bit pricey compared to other pharmacy brand but remember hey, you got concentrated product that provides better effect. I consumed 2 boxes of Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence for one and a half month and my family and friends have noticed my skin looks more youthful and firm.
My review of Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence:

Packaging: 4 out of 5
Taste: 3 out of 5
Result: 5 out of 5
Price: 2.5 out of 5

Now, there is a Good news for my readers. You could receive 2 FOC Bottles of Cellnique Amino Collagen C Essence PLUS RM200 Slimming Discount voucher for Lipo Blast Simming Treatment Discount Voucher! How to get this?

1. Log into your FB and click LIKE on Cres Wellness FB Page at

2. Leave a comment at my blog post link at Cres Wellness FB Wall:!/creswellness/posts/134992073303254

3. CRES will contact you with a FB personal message for further details and schedule an appointment with you.

T&C: This promotion is open for all aged 21 years old and above, limited to first 50 lucky people only! Other T&C applies.

Clinelle Intelligent Anti-aging Beauty Solution - The Ingenius Optimizer Daily Booster with new Celebrity Ambassador - Penny Tai

Clinelle, a beauty brand known for combining science and nature to achieve healthy, radiant skin under the Esthetics International Group (EIG), announced the latest in its skin care product line with the launch of the Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster, the first innovative product introduced under their new anti-aging skincare range, Ingenius™.
Designed for women looking for simple, natural, yet effective beauty solutions (as well as those looking to boost up the benefits of their everyday skin regimen); the Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster is a revolutionary new product formulated to prime the skin in preparation to fight premature, aging skin.

This innovative anti-aging skincare product; armed with natural energy-boosting and nourishing ingredients; rejuvenates, repairs, nourishes and at the same time, renews the skin, while its patented emulsion-based technology allows the Optimizer Daily Booster to help improve the skin’s defense system, improve elasticity and soften skin. Not only is all of this done with a combination of the natural ingredients, it is done so without any toxic chemicals or synthetic preservatives.
 “The Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster is simply remarkable and extremely powerful. I had the opportunity to try the product before my appointment as Clinelle’s new Ingenius™ ambassador and I am amazed at the condition of my skin. I am completely hooked!” said Penny Tai, renowned singer-songwriter popular in both the Taiwan and Malaysian music scene.
Present to deliver his welcome speech was Group Chief Executive Officer of Esthetics International Group (EIG), Mr Roderick Chieng Ngee Kai, who shared, “The team behind Clinelle’s Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster has taken the Optimizer through extensive research studies and tests to ensure that it meets all of the expectations of a high-performing product. Results show that this new innovative product effectively helps to boost the results of your current skincare regimen; even after a single application! A definite must-have for every skin care user.”
The Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster was introduced to members of the public at the Guardian-Clinelle Roadshow which was held at the Old Wing Centre Atrium at the 1-Utama Shopping Centre. The roadshow which included lots of exciting promotions, games, fabulous prizes and freebies attracted thousands of visitors over the five day period; including fans of Penny Tai who came to see the beautiful starlet perform a song on Saturday, May 19th.

Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster

Having come a long way, complex sciences and the latest skin technologies have given the research teams at Clinelle a new understanding of skin and how it ages. Study after study demonstrates the benefits of having skin at its most optimum condition – skin that is radiant and healthy, properly nourished, hydrated and energized. It is based on this simple premise that the teams at Clinelle had their ‘Eureka’ moment.

From recent market research surveys, Clinelle discovered that most women were not seeing the real results of their skin care products. Clinelle also noted the fact that women continue to look for simple, efficient, natural beauty solutions that are safe, innovative and genuine, and yet affordable at the same time.
Taking all of these factors into consideration, the teams behind Clinelle was keen on producing a product whose functions were two-pronged – firstly, exfoliating the skin cells allowing for better absorption and penetration of ingredients, and, secondly, igniting the energy power plant of the cell, the mitochondria, for improved cellular energy resulting in an increased turnover of skin cells and skin renewal.
The result? An intelligent breakthrough discovery.

The Ingenius™ range, including the Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster, uses next generation, intelligent ingredients to protect and rejuvenate the cells.

Ingredients inside the Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster includes L-Carnitine, which acts as a ‘cell energizer’, transporting the necessary ingredients into the cell’s power plant and thus increasing skin cell turnover and assisting in skin renewal; Chronocyclin®, an anti-aging chronopeptide that mimics the cells responsible for improving your skin’s defense systems as well as Ursolisome® which helps to restores the dermal layer of your skin, effectively reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, the Optimizer Daily Booster product contain ingredients which not only assists in moisture retention but also helps in transporting essential ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin, making them forces of anti-aging.
And if that is not enough, as with all the other Clinelle products, the Optimizer Daily Booster is free of artificial coloring, chemical fragrances, lanolin, mineral oils, SD-alcohol and comedogenic ingredients, all of which causes irreversible damage to your skin in the long run.
Clinelle’s Ingenius™ Optimizer Daily Booster is to be applied regularly over cleansed and toned skin, followed by moisturizer and can be used every night with any skin care regimen.
The entire Ingenius™ line addresses the efficacy of the fundamental organelles, working at the deepest level with dual mechanisms of action – exfoliating and re-energizing; externally cleaning the skin and internally detoxifying impurities at the same time; recycling anti-oxidants to double up the effects of the skin’s defense system and instructing the cell to provide round-the-clock protection and regeneration properties, both day and night!

Put simply, the Clinelle’s Ingenius™ range corrects the passage of time and lays the foundation for younger, looking skin and timeless beauty. The Clinelle team has taken the range through its paces to ensure that it meets your expectations from a high-performing product. No needles, no procedures, no invasive skin treatments; just simple, yet effective beauty solutions that commit to feeding your skin with the very best in skin science.

More information about the Ingenius™ range of products can be obtained at and is available at exclusively at Guardian pharmacy. You could also join their facebook page – Clinelle – to keep abreast of Clinelle’s latest news and events.
Group picture of invited bloggers + Mr Roderick, Miss Susan & Mr Ben from Clinelle

Maybelline New York Malaysia spokesperson: Nurul Elfira Loy

Stop the presses! World's No. 1 makeup brand Maybelline New York names actress cum TV host Nurul Elfira Loy as its latest Malaysia Spokeperson!
Sweet Elfira Loy
The appointment was announced at a media gathering where Elfira Loy was introduced as the new ambassador wearing one of the looks themed FABULOUSLY 18, specially created by Maybelline New York for the young actress!
Pretty Emcee of the event

MD of Maybelline New York: Christina Low

Group Product Manager of Maybelline New York: Pink Fong
Group Product Manager of Maybelline New York, Pink Fong said that the brand selected the amiable actress for her confident, youthful and girl-next-door qualities, as well as her versatility to carry a variety of Maybelline looks, making her the ideal spokesperson to embrace the brand's energetic, fashionable, glamorous and dynamic New York vibes.
Despite being a newcomer in the industry, Elfira Loy has already made quite an impression on her fans. Having started her career starring in commercial, Elfira Loy, 18, has already picked up a few hosting as well as acting projects under her belt. As a TV host, Elfira Loy has hosted programmes such as Cuti-cuti Famili, Berani Jadi Boss, Selamat Pagi Putera Puteri, Waktu Rehat, and more. She starred as well as guest-starred in several television programmes, such as Cinta, Sabrina VS Sazaly, Rawan Hati Seorang Wanita, Syurgamu Ramadhan, Biar Mimpi Sampai ke Bintang, Kum Kum The Series and more. Elfira Loy is known for her role as Qalesya in the hit drama Qalesya, which won her the Best Supporting Actress award at Anugerah Skrin 2011.

Brand new Debenhams flagship store in Starhill Gallery

Starhill Gallery celebrated the official opening of the brand new Debenhams flagship store on Friday night, the 18th of May. It was nothing short of a chic and stylish affair as more than 300 invited celebrities, guests and VIPs came dressed to the nines. Among the many familiar faces, Andrea Fonseka and Deborah Henry were the definite favorites’ as they were truly the trend setters of the night.

Invitees made their way through the architectural marvel and iconic façade of Bintang Walk on to Explore floor where the contemporary and elegant retail space, spread across 37000 square feet, housed the largest “Designers at Debenhams” collections in Asia. Guests were presented with a trendy Debenhams eco tote bag consisting of a specially designed Union Jack themed mug and travel umbrella set each upon registration.

The evening began with YTL Group Managing Director, Tan Sri Dr. Francis Yeoh and Mr. Francis McAuley, International Director of Debenhams United Kingdom greeting those present with their welcoming speeches as guests enjoyed canapés and sipped on champagne. “Starhill Gallery marks another significant milestone today by celebrating the launch of one of Britain’s leading departmental store chains that occupies a total of 37000 square feet. One will discover the largest collection of ‘Designers at Debenhams’ apparels available in Southeast Asia, fine furnishings and home accessories here reaffirming Starhill Gallery’s status as a definitive destination for discerning shoppers”, said Tan Sri Dr. Francis Yeoh.

Models then took to the ramp in the latest designer collections exclusive to Debenhams by renowned British designers. Collections showcased include those from Henry Holland, Jasper Conran, Julien Macdonald, John Rocha, Matthew Williamson and The Principles range by Ben de Lisi among others.
Julien Macdonald, I adore his design very much!
The finale highlighted cutting edge fashion and glamour through the introduction of the recently launched line by Julien Macdonald, ‘Diamond’. A special touch was added to the fashion presentation when the famous British designer who had flown in to Malaysia from the United Kingdom made an appearance during the finale.

The evening continued with a special raffles draw segment whereby three winners picked at random walked away with shopping vouchers worth RM5000, RM2500 and RM1000 to be spent at the all new bigger and better flagship store in Starhill Gallery compliments of Debenhams. Winners will truly be spoilt for choice at the largest Debenhams in Malaysia as they discover a whole host of new designer collections for children, men and women in addition to fine furnishings and home accessories.

Just moments after, the celebratory ribbon cutting ceremony saw Debenhams in Starhill Gallery officiated by His Excellency Simon Featherstone, Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dr Francis Yeoh, Mr. Francis McAuley and Julien Macdonald. Attendees present were among the firsts to step into the magnificent store where they received 20% privileges on all purchases and enjoyed shopping into the night. Their excitement was undoubtedly reflected as they rushed to the racks of clothing and browsed through the latest designer lines such as Ben De Lisi, Edition, FFP Jeff Banks, Maine, Red Herring, St George by Duffer, Ted Baker and Thomas Nash.

In conjunction with the formal opening of the Starhill Gallery flagship store, the first 150 customers on Saturday 19th May 2012, and Sunday 20th May 2012, will receive a free Debenhams eco tote bag and a Union Jack themed travel umbrella with a minimum spend of RM250. While the night will certainly be remembered by many, Debenhams is set to be even bigger and even better.