
Welcome August 2012 with my memoir of The Malaysian Women's Weekly "Get The Life You Want" workshop

Hoola, today mark the first day of August 2012, have you guys completed any milestones for the year yet? This month, we Malaysian will be celebrating Hari Raya and Merdeka day, yay! Love the long awaited public holidays and vacation. :)
Today am gotta share the long pending post that I always wanted to share with my lovely readers. What's that? It's The Malaysian Women's Weekly "Get The Life You Want" workshop which Sister and I attended on Saturday, 9th June 2012 at KL Hilton Hotel.
It was a full day programme happening from 9am to 5pm. The workshop cost RM 120 per person but I found that it's very worth and we have learned a lot from it.
Look at the crowd that day! A bit dissapointed as the workshop was full and some of my friends didn't manage to join.
Speech by Editor of The Malaysian Women's Weekly - Elaine Kwong.
Elaine is very gorgeous indeed :)
How to be Popular and Powerful
The 5 keys to Boosting Your Impact and Influence NOW!
Presented by
Faridah Hameed
Women's Market Strategist and Leadership/Communcation Coach for Women

Some highlights: During this session, we were asked to share our experience of WOW in last 24 hours. What new words can we use to describe Popular and Powerful? Yes, you can! Remove the Road blocks! Think, Talk and Take Action. At the end of the session, we did a gratitude meditation together.

For Faridah's full profile and testimonials, please visit her website at

Beauty Tricks to take You from Day to Night
Presented by Taisu - MUA of Shiseido Malaysia

Some highlights: During this session, Kathleen gave a long speech on the history of Shiseido, and some skincare and makeup tips. However I believe all of the participants can't even see the makeup demo as the stage was very far and the light in the hall was quite dim.
Kathleen from Shiseido 

Taisu and his model Joey

As we can't see Taisu's makeup demo, the model took a quick walk around the hall for us to have a chance to look at Taisu's makeup.

Your Beauty Nutrition Prescription
Presented by Indra Balaratnam
Consultant Dietitian and President of the Malaysia Dietitians Association

Something that I learned from this session: Do you know your Body Mass Index(BMI)? Eat well to maintain your beauty. Your Beauty Nutrition Prescription: Watch your weight, move your body everyday, eat more vegetables and fruits, moderate lean protein, good fats and oils, stay hydrated and take good bacteria.

Dress for Your Shape
Persented by Peter Lum, a Fashion Stylist

This was the last session. Peter showed us some beautiful dresses and clothes from Debenhams. Balance is the keyword to fine dressing. Peter shared some tips based on different body shape: Pear, Hourglass, Boy figure, Bowling pin, Cello, and Goblet. Play down on flaws and enhance the strength. Use details on clothes carefully, finish off with the right shoes is important, know your accessories. However this session was too rush and too quick.

Please visit Peter's website at
Look, each of the participants brought home 2 pack full of goodie bags, so heavy!!!

Even though sis and I had no luck to win the 3 big lucky draw prizes on that day, we were still very happy and satisfied. Look at the goodies that each of us got from the workshop; total worth of RM 799!

Moreover, I was surprised and happy to meet lovely Charlotte in the workshop too. :)

Ohya, I have subscribed MWW for RM 60 a year and received a bottle of Marc Jacobs "Bang" homme perfume on the day itself. And I was also managed to answer a Q&A during Shiseido session the prize was a mini Shiseido Energizing Fragrance and mini mascara. ^ ^ Happy with my ever growing perfume collection yay!


  1. wow so many nice stuff! :D

  2. so many stuff you got! Is the Bang by marc jacobs smell nice? ;D

  3. Oh I remember this but no join far for me as I don't know go there also...

    Hehe... Nice goodies!!
