
The 'Magic' Cleansing Bar from Gamila Secret

Have you tried the Cleansing Bar from Gamila Secret before? Well, as Gamila Secret entered Malaysia shore, I was given a mini original cleansing bar that worth RM 66 to try some time back.
Gamila Secret Cleansing Bar is a handmade creation which takes 40 hours cooking process, period of 4 to 6 months for drying, stamping and curving the edges.
I tried the Gamila Secret Cleansing Bar for one month last month, that time I was having some serious skin problems and acne has appeared all over my face. My skin was very sensitive back then, but luckily Gamila Secret Cleansing Bar is not only cleaning and nourishing my problematic skin but also it has softened and healed the acne and sensitivity. I used the mini bar day and night to clean my face and body, surprisingly the mini bar last for more than a month. I even have used it to clean my 3 years old daughter face because it's so mild and it's 100% natural, more than 80% virgin oil (220 pressed Syrian Olives)
Ingredients of Gamila Secret OriginalCleansing Bar

I’d recommend you to try Gamila Secret Cleansing Bar especially if you are having sensitive or problematic skin.

Gamila Secret is now available at Parkson Sunway Pyramid, Myoga The Gardens Mid Valley, Online Shop at

Gamila Secret facebook page:

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