
Recall your timeless baby skin with K.I.S.S.E.D by Kinerase®

Ageing is an inevitable process, and women are taking more active steps to age beautifully. Everyone ages; The growing importance of ageing well & beautifully. Do you want to recall your baby skin where there are no photo-damaged, wrinkles; skin is as smooth and firm as a freshly hard-boiled egg white, and no pigmentation?
Leading professional cosmeceutical brand, Kinerase®, started its mission to help Asian women realize their desire for timelessly beautiful skin, with Asia’s largest clinical study - the Kinerase® Innovative Skincare Study (K.I.S.S trial).
Over the 12 week K.I.S.S trial, 275 patients in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Taiwan were assessed by 30 physicians over regular intervals at week 4, 8 and 12. Their aim was to test the effectiveness of Kinerase® Cream containing 0.1% Kinetin in enhancing Asian complexion on real patients, with inspiring results.

After just 12 weeks, patients and physicians were at most to see an improvement of fine wrinkles by 38%. Other benefits included a 37% reduction in skin blotchiness, 36% reduction in skin roughness and 34% improvement in overall skin condition.
In Malaysia, the results from the patients were effective with the following skin improvement:

I. 97% of patients reported a reduction in the severity of photo-damaged skin

II. 96% of patients reported a reduction in skin roughness

III. 97% of patients had a reduction in mottling/ blotchiness/ pigmentation

IV. 89% of patients witnessed a reduction in fine wrinkles

This is a marked improvement on earlier Kinetin studies conducted in America, where dermatologists reported an improvement of fine wrinkles on Caucasian skin by 13%, demonstrating the increased efficacy of Kinetin for Asians.

Conducted under strict biomedical perimeters, 98% of Asians who participated in the cosmeceutical K.I.S.S trial described their experience with Kinerase® as positive, with skin looking healthier, younger and suppler. They also reported that skin roughness, mottling, blotchiness, brown spots and fine wrinkles were significantly diminished within 12 weeks of using Kinerase® Cream.

The K.I.S.S Trial is the first time a cosmeceutical brand has conducted an Asian-specific study, and the results assure patients and physicians of the efficacy and safety of Kinetin on Asian skin.
98% of patients experienced a visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and other skin benefits after 12 weeks of using Kinerase®.
First time apply Blue lipstick on my lips, looks a bit weird haha
L to R: Ms Amy Zheng, Dr. Koh & Ms. Tammy
During the K.I.S.S.E.D by Kinerase® Blogger event last month, famous beauty blogger from Malaysia, Ms Tammy Lim shared her experience, “During the K.I.S.S trial, I was amazed at the difference Kinerase® made over just 8 weeks, with no side effects too. I’ve received compliments for my radiant complexion, which is very satisfying. My skin is fairer and wrinkles are less significant.”
L to R: Ms Amy Zheng, Dr. Koh & Ms. Tammy
Ms Amy Zheng, Regional Marketing Director of Invida, Asia Pacific said, “While there are numerous international clinical papers on Kinetin, there were no comprehensive study measuring how well Kinetin works on Asian skin. The K.I.S.S trial was an opportunity for us to test the effectiveness of Kinerase® Cream containing 0.1% Kinetin on real patients who are looking for ways to delay and manage the effects of aging on their skin, under the strict supervision of doctors.

So far, the results have been wonderful. Although aging is inevitable, we firmly believe in educating consumers on the Kinetin ingredient and how they can use the right products to enhance their skin and attain timeless beauty.”

With a non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, dye-free, and paraben free formula, Kinerase® is suitable for all skin types, even skin with rosacea, and nurtures delicate skin after aesthetic procedures.
The bloggers had chances to ask the famous skin doctor, Doctor Koh any questions during the event. And I was lucky to be selected as the winner of best slogan where I’ve won a Kinerase® hamper. :) 
Very cute Blue Kiss Jelly and Blue Coconut drink

Like the deco & the Beautiful Blue & White Roses
Every blogger was given a set of Kinerase® Core Collection for Timeless Skin trial kit and a full size Kinerase® Lotion to try at home. Thanks to the generousity of Kinerase® ! I’ve been using Kinerase® Core Collection for Timeless Skin for the past 2 weeks. 
Kinerase® Core Collection for Timeless Skin
Kinerase® Gentle Daily Cleanser washes away make-up and impurities without drying my skin, This cleanser provides additional skin soothing benefits and is formulated to be pure and gentle.

Kinerase® Gentle Daily Cleanser Ingredients

Kinerase® Gentle Daily Cleanser texture

Kinerase® Gentle Daily Cleanser is eary to foam up
Kinerase® C6 Peptide Intensive Treatment contains Kinetin and Argireline which visibly helps improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce visible signs of skin aging and improve skin texture and tone.

Kinerase® C6 Peptide Intensive Treatment Ingredients

Kinerase® C6 Peptide Intensive Treatment texture
Kinerase® Eye Cream contains 0.125% of Kinetin, the highest concentration level in the Kinerase® Core Collection. It’s light and moisturizing formula targets fine lines and wrinkles to pamper the delicate skin around the eyes.

Kinerase® Eye Cream Ingredients

Kinerase® Eye Cream Texture
Both Kinerase® Cream and Kinerase® Lotion contain 0.1% Kinetin for better overall complexion and improved fine wrinkles, especially in the crow’s feet area. The Cream and Lotion also help improve skin’s ability to maintain moisture.

Kinerase® Lotion Ingredients

Kinerase® Lotion Texture
I like Kinerase® Core Collection that is mild in scent and easy to absorb. Even though the textures seem like quite rich, however they do not leave any sticky feeling after application. I only use small amount for my big face and my skin absorb them almost immediately, even before I pressing them into my skin. I can feel that Kinerase® Core Collection penetrates into my skin easily and my face will feel fresh for the whole day.

The best part is the result is really amazing! My laugh lines and forehead lines are lighten now, and my eyes are more lifting compared with 2 weeks ago. My colleagues and friends have been envy on my skin improvement and have been asking me did I go for a Botox or filling procedure.

I must thanks to the main ingredients, Kinetin(N6-furfuryladenine), the anaturally-occurring bio growth factor discovered by scientists almost 60 years ago. As Dr. Ko advised, 0.1% concentration of Kinetin in skincare products is clinically proven to help with the various signs of photoaging on skin, as well as improve the skin’s ability to retain more moisture, it’s like consume 3000 coconuts to achieve the result.

Kinerase® is exclusively available at dermatologist and aesthetic clinics. For more information, please visit or