
Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with your BFF

Would you like to join the Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with your BFF in coming Saturday, 23rd March 2013?
I’m giving out 10 pairs of invitation to my followers to join the event in the fantastic afternoon with your BFF.

Date: 23rd March 2013

Time: 11 am – 1 pm

Venue : KTO @ Menara Hap Seng. (easily accessed by public transport such as LRT (Dang Wangi Station) and monorail (Raja Chulan Station).)

You and your BFF get to enjoy Programme below FOC;

1. Basic Medicure

2. Basic Make up

3. Hand massage

4. Beauty consultation

5. Hanbok picture taking (by KTO)
6. Korean Food testing (by KTO)

7. Etude House Products Selling booth
Besides, you all will also get a door gift as an appreciation gift by participating the event. Isn’t it cool?

Now, How to join the event?

1) You must be Wai Yee aka Rane blog’s public follower -> Click “Join this Site” button on the right hand panel at this blog and follow the on screen instruction if you are not a public follower yet.

2) Like Wai Yee aka Rane’s Facebook page at .

3) Describe why would you like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with your BFF?

4) Post your follower ID, Facebook name and your answer with your email address by comment in this blog post.

Contest Date: 15th Jan 2013 to 3rd Feb 2013.

Winners will be chosen by Random.Org and announced by second week of Feb 2013. Winners have to reply to the invitation email and RSVP latest by third week of Feb 2013. Both winner and the BFF must attend the event on 23rd March 2013 to be entitled for the goodies and programme.


  1. aiks too bad all events also in KL

  2. Great, I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because we love having fun doing new manicure, trying the new makeup outlook and tasting Korean food while shopping till we drop.

    Facebook name: Jacinta Chong
    Email address:

  3. follower ID, Facebook name and your answer with your email address

    Follower ID: cleffairy
    Facebook name: Elizabeth Toh
    I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because I want to experience how it's like to be sensational.
    Email add:

  4. Follower is: Meow Meow
    Facebook name: Catherine Madeline Meow
    I would you like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because I wanna be as beautiful as those Korean ladies and I wanna give a surprise treat to my BFF
    Email add:

  5. GFC: LauraLeia
    Facebook: Laura Lee
    Email: Laura1990my [at]

    I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because I seldom have time to hang out with her these days, so it would be awesome if we could enjoy some girl time together at this event! :D

  6. Follower ID: FurFer
    FAcebook name: Jennifer FurFer
    Email address:

    Iw ould like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session because I have always love products fromEtude House! They are lovely and girlish and I love it! Besides, I would like to go with my BFF for this session because I want to share this awesome moment with her! <3

    Thanks Wai Yee for this giveaway~

  7. Hi Mom to-be,

    I want to join..

    1) Follow already your blog

    2) Like already your fanpage

    3) Describe why would you like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with your BFF?
    I want to to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session coz I can spend my precious time with my BFF. We can do all the girly things together.

    4) ID : CikLilyPutih
    Facebook name : CikLilyPutih
    email :
    URL :

    hopefully I get the tickets..

  8. Follower ID & FB: Cindy Tong
    email address: cindytong86
    Answer: Me a die fan of Etude House, spending a day with my BFF at Etude House Beauty Sharing Session would really mean alot to me! Love to explore more of their product!!


  9. Follower ID/FB name:Emily Tang
    Answer:I want to join as to get hands-on tips for latest makeup and always look good!

  10. follower ID: Angeline Ng
    Facebook name: Angeline Ng
    Email address:

    I want to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because I personally love makeup and Etude House is my current favorite Korean beauty brand. Plus, I really keen to be interested to experience Korean lifestyle like wearing Hanbok; which is one of my top list on my wishlist! ;D

  11. FrankieRoseUni
    I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with BFF because imma fans of Etude House and i want my BFF have a try on it so that she will be convinced ... LOL

  12. I just love Etude House but I hardly enter the shop myself because I'm scare to go alone so I always go in with my BFF. When I heard they have a Beauty Sharing Session with your BFF, I didn't wanna miss the chance to go because it has been the "thing" for the BFF you know. XD Also, with all the pampering session, it's just so hard to say no but it's very easy to say YES! :D

    Follower ID: senri_ning
    Facebook name: Senri Ning
    Email address:

  13. I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because nothing could be more fun than enjoying the pamper by Etude House with my BFF.

    Follower ID: trendydiana
    Facebook name: trendydiana siew
    Email address:

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Follower ID: Christy Chai
    FB Name: Christy Chai

    I would like to join this Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with BFF BECAUSE we like everything about korea!

  16. Dear Wai Yee,

    Follower ID: Alicia Yeoh
    Facebook Name: Hayley Maris

    Answer: I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session because I really love their products as everything is packaged in a sweet way. And it would be great for my BFF to join me because once she started to work; we have very little time to hang out together so this would be a good chance for both of us to catch up while enjoying ourselves and going crazy at the Etude House Beauty Sharing Session (≧∇≦)


    And thanks for having this give-away ❤

  17. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Follower ID: lw
    Facebook: Li Wan G
    Email address:

    I am already excited when i know about this event. I will invite my BFF together to join...I wish to take a lot of memorable photo together with my BFF in hanbok and when eating the Korean food which is our common favorite food. I would like to explore the more on the Etude makeup with my BFF who is also the big fan of Etude skincare!
    Hahaha....when think of this i am very excited! Hope i will have chance to get a touch on the new product they will be launching soon =)

    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  18. Follower ID: Christine K
    Facebook Name: Christine Kong
    Email: huiting86[@]gmail[.]com

    I'd love to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF so that we can be pampered thoroughly with Etude House product and feel like a Korean Princess wearing the traditional Hanbok and eating awesome Korean food. (Actually what I really want is to formally introduce Etude House Products to her,what's better to do so than an Etude House BFF event!! I know she'll love it!!!)

  19. GFC: jerine.lay
    FB Name: Jerine Lay
    Answer: I want to attend the Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my bff because we're both very interested in everything beauty. And Etude House is also one of our favorite Korean cosmetic brand.

  20. Follower Name : Yuki
    FB Name : Yuki Christy
    Email :

    I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session . I do not need many reasons to love one, just one reason, I love Etude's Beauty Products.

    Would definitely attend it with my Etude lovies BFF if I get one :)

  21. Follower ID : Khai Yee
    Facebook Name : KhaiYee Ng
    Answer : I would like to join Etude House Sharing Session because I would like to know more about Korean culture, Etude make up and korean dishes. Besides, I am a big fans from Etude House. I love their products so much. So that I really wish to spend my time with my BBF in this event to know more about Etude House. :D

    Email Address :

  22. Follower ID: ad riene
    Facebook name: Ad riene
    I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because we want to learn more about korean cultural heritage while buiding the bond in our relationship.
    Email add:

  23. follower ID: Marie Maman
    Facebook name: Michelle Marie Maman

    Answer: I love Etude House's product and korean culture and what better way for me to enjoy it but by going for a girly session with a best friend and getting deliciously pampered!


  24. Follower ID: Marie Maman
    Facebook name: Michelle Marie Maman

    I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because I love Etude House's products and Korean culture and what better way for me to enjoy that bringing a bff to enjoy the same and get deliciously pampered with Etude cosmetics, food and much more.


  25. Hi! I've sent an entry before but I'm not sure if it got logged in.

    Follower ID: Marie Maman
    FB Name: Michelle Marie Maman
    I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because I love korean culture and Etude products to be able to share them with a BFF would be speactacular!


  26. Follower ID : prince n princess mum
    Facebook Name : Kylie Wenn
    Email Address :

    Answer : I would like to join Etude House Beauty Sharing Session with my BFF because I'd like to explore more about Korean's and next, Malaysian's beauty secret - Etude House...
