
Happy International Mother Earth Day - Recycling Bras For a Greener Environment

Today, April 22nd is the International Mother Earth Day. To celebrate the Earth month in April 2013, XIXILI in joint collaboration with Kechara Soup Kitchen recently took to the streets of Jalan Imbi in a day’s event to uplift ladies who are homeless by giving them a personalized fitting session and recycled bras.

XXILI unique community service project ‘Green Bosom’ was inaugurated in April 2011 with the intention to create a greener environment for living through recycling of old bras for the underprivileged women.

Donating bras and recycling bras is part of the community service project, XIXILI has pledged to undertake. Early in the year, XIXILI donated complete sets of bra and panties to Ti-Ratana Welfare Buddhist Centre to the underprivileged youths.

The Green Warrior

The Green Warrior triumphs once more! Approximately 3,000 pieces of recycled bras were channeled to welfare homes nationwide for year 2013 whilst out of the total, 600 pieces, in a joint collaboration with Kechara Soup Kitchen, were channeled to homeless women living on the streets of Jalan Imbi and surrounding city areas of Kuala Lumpur.
This iconic ‘Green Warrior’ name was coined to represent the greater good of the community that comes together to recycle their older bras by giving these bras to the underprivileged women through XIXILI’s ‘Green Bosom’ community project. Since the inception of ‘Green Bosom’, XIXILI has encouraged their boutiques to be a centre of collection for Green Warriors to send in their bras in for recycling.

Making a difference

During a day’s event, XIXILI team visited Kechara Soup Kitchen to assist in the food preparation for the homeless and bringing boxes of cleaned, good and wearable recycled bra contributed by Green Warriors. The team divided into 3 groupings: food packing, personalized fitting of bras and distribution of recycle bras.
In view of Kechara Soup Kitchen collaboration, XIXILI also took part in Kechara’s mission to feed the underprivileged. Sponsoring the food for the day, XIXILI team were seen busy in the kitchen packing food for 150 daily visitors of the centre, whilst in a separate room, XIXILI’s perfect fitters were providing consultation and personalized fitting session to the homeless and finally, the third group packed and distributed the rightsized recycle bras after each fitting.

A perfect ending to the day as each receiver that walked out of the centre, was seen with a smile of their face and definitely… more uplifted!

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