
Zymogen Centella Ferment Essence & Cream

Korea skincare is famous and popular in Asia because they are affordable yet effective. I've recently tried the Zymogen Nutri active Centella Ferment Essence and Cream which are made in Korea.
Zymogen is new to me but when I studied the ingredients of the products, it has attracted me to give it a try. Centella is a mild adaptogen, is mildly antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiulcerogenic, anxiolytic, nervine and vulnerary. Cantella is used traditionally to combat aging. Apart from the beauty use of Cantella asiatica, it is also of great help when used on post-operation and trauma scars, as it promotes healing, yet helps to prevent the formation of excess scar tissue. Its historic use was in the healing of leprosy wounds, as well as ulcerated skin, wounds, burns and ulcers.

Research has shown that asiaticoside can also help provide treatment for leprosy and skin turbeculosis, as the bacteria are coated in a wax-like substance that the body's immune system cannot penetrate, but this waxy coating is dissolved by cantella, thereby allowing body's immune system to destroy the bacteria.

Zymogen Nutri active Centella Ferment Essence (30ml)

Fermented Centella Asiatica extracts act on skin to regenerate the damaged skin and remove the trouble spot.
The essence is quite fluid, and is easy to absorb.

Zymogen Nutri Active Centella Ferment Cream (50ml)
Fermented Centella Asiatica extracts act on skin to regenerate the damaged skin and remove the trouble spot by using natural components.
The cream is quite creamy; it takes a while to absorb with massage. However, once it’s absorbed my skin doesn’t feel any stickiness.
Both products smell like any fermented product, the scent is not too strong hence it's still acceptable. After using the products for a month on my face and neck, I can see significant improvement of my skin. My skin is more firm now, and the pigmentation on my left cheek has been lightened. The pigmentation appeared more than 15 years ago and I’m amazed that they were actually lightened by these products.

For more information about Zymogen skin care, please visit

1 comment:

  1. May I know where did you buy the products?
