
Asians Face Up to Embrassing Acne

Though acne is a common condition, its impact on quality of life should not be overlooked. For those who have been dealing with it over a long period of time, there is frustration, embarrassment and even anger.
“Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in Asia Pacific affecting more than 460 million people in the region.1 It is one of the most common adolescent problems and despite the myth that acne affects mainly teenagers, many people continue to have acne well into their adulthood,” said Dr. Hew Yin Keat, a Skin Doctor.
Overwhelmed and unsure of treatment options

So what help is available? If you were to ask your mother, she may tell you to stop eating chocolate and potato chips. If you check out forums online, they may tell you what works for one person and not for the next. On the drug store shelf, you’ll find an overwhelming array of products, each claiming they can do the job. There is simply too much talk and not enough truth.

Based on an online survey conducted in 2012 by Menarini Asia Pacific on 1,020 Asians aged between 18-35 years in four countries – India, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines, acne sufferers spend a significant amount of time online searching for possible solutions.

About 30% of respondents spend more than an hour per week looking for acne-related information and solutions.

As they are unsure of the appropriate treatment, respondents are willing to try multiple products in search of the right solution. The survey revealed that 10% have tried more than 10 products.
Self-esteem affected by acne

Further found in survey results, 2 in 3 Asians reported feeling embarrassed and self-conscious when they have acne, with 1 in 3 thinking about their acne almost 2-5 times a day. These respondents also refrain from social activities and only feel comfortable meeting their close friends.
In Malaysia, the results show that respondents are socially inhibited by acne. It keeps them from attending social events, and is something they prefer not to bring up even among close friends. The aversion to the topic could also be the reason why seeing the dermatologist is not a common practice. Nonetheless acne is on their minds, and they have noticeable expectations about the product they are using.

Clearing the confusion on acne management

In hopes of guiding consumers through the clutter of information, Papulex™ Asia created the Clear the Confusion Campaign. “While researching treatments for acne, we realized that there was a lot of information out there, but we weren’t sure it was right.

In order to help Clear the Confusion, we wanted to get more young adults to find the truth about acne and how it affects them regardless of age. We hope that once they gain this understanding, they will realize that Papulex™ effectively addresses the root causes of acne,” said Mr. Cheah Chor Eng, General Manager of Menarini Malaysia.

Dr. Hew Yin Keat added, “The Papulex™ range of products targets the root causes of acne with a unique combination of three clinically proven ingredients. Patients experiencing any type or severity of acne use Papulex™. It can also be used alone or with existing prescription treatment, making it ideal for the maintenance of acne-prone skin.”

Mr. Quah Cheng Eng (also known as QuaChee as his blogger name) the winner of the Papulex™ Truthseeker Blogger Challenge and a Papulex™ user himself concluded, “The topic of acne has always been a debate among my friends. Everyone looks and hopes for a good skin regimen and I am one of them. I am now blessed with good skin and together with a good skin care product such as Papulex™, I can say that I’ve never felt better in my life.”
The Papulex™ range is exclusively available at selected clinics. For more information, please visit Papulex™ Asia facebook page at You can alternatively visit Papulex™ Asia website at and locate a clinic nearby using the store/clinic locator.
L to R: Dr. Hew Yin Keat, Skin Doctor; Mr. Cheah Chor Eng, General Manager of Menarini Malaysia; Ms. Elaine Yong, Lecturer/Developmental Psychologist and Mr. Quah Cheng Eng @ QuaChee, the winner of the PAPULEX™ Truthseeker Blogger Challenge and an avid blogger.

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