
Discover Yves Rocher from France with Lilac Box

I had a date with Yves Rocher and The Lilac box last Saturday at The Gardens café Sunway Pyramid. Despite beating the massive jam from Jalan Kuching all the way to Sunway(thanks to the stupid road constructions :S) and the misleading Sunway Pyramid signboard, I was late and tired when I reach the venue.
I’m an existing Yves Rocher user since few years ago. I like that it uses natural ingredients yet the price is affordable compare to many other France’s beauty brand. I trust the product much and my girl is using the hamamelis range since she was 2 years old. It works well on her delicate skin but I found that they are having 70% on most of the products in this range, I hope they are not discontinue the range because we really love this range.
OK, back to the event last Saturday. When I reached the venue, I quickly registered myself and got a passport for the event. The bloggers were given a Yves Rocher passport to go through a few ‘stations’ to discover more about themselves. And yeah we had our lunch at the café before we go through the discovery.
There were a few stations for us to go through. The one I found most interesting is the Skin analysis. One just need to put the face into the advance machine, it will scan and snap two pictures of your face and analyze from there. You would know your skin condition and skin age almost immediately. I am glad that my skin is 3 years younger than my actual age.

Cute Wendy and her pretty mummy enjoying the skin analysis too :)
Then I was given Hydra vegetal moisturizer to try at home, it is a 24 hours intense hydrating gel cream.
I then answered a few questions to discover my scent. I’ve got 28 points by answering all the question, and found out that I’m Romantic and Feminine type; where personal relationships are the most important to me. It’s true that I like flowers, candy, and walking by the sea. Hence my fragrance is Moment de Bonheur Eau de Parfum which means happiness moment; and I was given a 5ml of the EDP, yeah.
I was also given a yellow peach shower gel in 50ml to match my romantic and feminine style.

After that, we proceed to the Yves Rocher store at 2 levels up to match my foundation color. After I found out the foundation color that's suitable for me, I got a 5.5ml nail lacquer in R801 as a reward for that.

Last but not least, ‘Your sweet memory’ session was the fun part where we could pick up and props that we like to take a polaroid picture.
All of us join as member with any purchase on that day and 30% off for all normal priced items.

Last but not least, there were Q&A and Lucky draw before the event ended however I’ve no luck in any of these.

Anyway thank you Lilac Box team and Yves Rocher for organizing the event for us in the lovely Saturday noon.

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