
The Fancy Duo's First Experience with Hot Wheels Wall Tracks

Before sharing the video review to show that the pieces have turned into a wall tracks finally. I wanna share some experience of assembly it. It took some time for us to assemble all the parts. And once they are ready, we first tape the instruction poster onto the wall, then press bracket firmly for 30 seconds to fix the bracket. We then remove the template before begin assembly and set-up accordingly.

Tadah, our Hot Wheels Wall Tracks is ready.
Click the Play button below to view our video.

The car went through the track quickly without hanging. This toy was really a lot of fun to us. Not only had my elder daughter played with it all day, my younger daughter enjoyed watching her sister playing too.
Lastly, we wanna thanks Mattel for sponsoring this to The Fancy Duo team.


  1. I would never be able to concentrate the whole day like your kid. I will get bored in one hour lol :p

  2. aHHH i miss the good old days with hot wheels... i dont mind to have this set at home. Just worried that my kitten will break it :(

  3. Blogwalking here. Hi.

    Hahaa so cool of you to help building the track. Although, that is not a normal track hahaa.

    Happy weekend!

  4. Hi Choulyin, hehehe small kid is easier to satisfied I guess.

  5. Hihi Henry, I have a feeling that your cutie cat would love it and chased the car till the track spoilt :P
