
The Number 1 Skincare in Germany - BABOR

BABOR from Germany is the professional beauty skincare that unlock the secrets of the finest natural active ingredients and translate them into luxury skincare products that deliver maximum effectiveness and skin compatibility.
Founded in 1955, from the vision foresight of one man: Dr. Michael Babor. With the invention of HY-Ql, a hydrophilic oil-based cleanser that remains unmatched to the present day. Let’s discover it more with the Lilac Box X BABOR workshop.
BABOR Malaysia team
The products that we used for the Workshop

First step: Cleansing
Put 2 drops of cleansing oil to the front and back of the cotton pad, and apply to eye and mouth. Then, put four drops of cleansing oil on hand, emulsify with water a little bit and apply onto the face, chin, cheek and follow with circulation massage. Lastly, put 2 drops of phytoactive on palm to massage the face in circular motion. Then add water to it until it becomes milky.

Second step: Scrub
Now that our face is clean, it’s time to remove dead skin with milk peeling scrub. Use our fingers and palm to scrub our face in circulation or stroke motion. This scrub has ground, rounded peach kernel that I find it quite harsh.

Third step: Mask
Mask works by creating a barrier between your skin and the environment and provides its goodness to the skin. If the layer is not thick enough, the mask will not give the results expected. Apply BABOR comfort cream mask with stroke motion and leave it for 10 minutes. BABOR comfort cream mask has shea butter and previous plant oil.

Fourth step: Thermal Spray
BABOR pure, soothing thermal spring water from Athen.

Fifth step: Ampoules
BABOR is the largest ampoules manufacturer in the world. We used Fluid(fp) in the workshop as thirst quencher. This 2ml must completely used to apply face, neck and decolette in one time. You could use your palm to massage in the ampoules, and pinch with vibration to the wrinkles area.

Sixth step: Eye care
BABOR HSR eye cream 30ml for RM 490.
Dot one drop onto the lower eyelids of each eye, using ring finger to dot around the arbitral bone. Starting at the outer corner, dot on under the eye towards the nose and over the lid back towards the outer edge. You could also apply 3 to 4 drops onto the throat area, massage with light, upward strokes over the front of neck.

Seventh step: Moisturiser
Apply BABOR Advanced Biogen Minical control cream to your face.Use your palm and index finger to pinch, focus on the U-area.

Eight step: Sun care system
UV protection + Cell protection = safer sun
I had tried BABOR facial a few years back, I still feel that the HY-Ql was good but it takes more effort compare with normal cleansing oil that I am using.
I had fun at the workshop and I'm glad to discover more for BABOR.
See, guy has also enjoyed the workshop
Happy Group picture


  1. Wow, first time seeing this brand haha. Will def check it out. Btw I'm hosting a giveaway, maybe you can join for fun? XD

  2. The SPF -Sun care system look interesting. How is the texture, do you like it and how much is it ?
