
Happy Birthday to Wai Yee aka Rane & Benefit’s Boutique 1 Utama

Remember I mentioned before that September is my favorite month of the year? It’s actually my Birthday month, ahem….

To commemorate my big day this year, I am going to celebrate with 5 of my readers at the Benefit “The Great Browzini” party!

Get ready to be mystified and amazes as brows magically appear right before your eyes.
Date: Saturday, 26th 28th Sep 2013
Time: 10am to 12pm
Venue: Benefit’s Boutique 1 Utama

That’s not all; I’ll be giving away a Bella She Sparkles Bag and a Bella x Scotch Magic tape dispenser to the lucky 5 readers.
Thanks to Bella NTV 7 for sponsoring this.

It’s easy to join, just become my Public Follower at my blog by clicking "Join This Site" button on the right side bar, as well as like my FB page at

Then, tell me why you would like to attend the Benefit “The Great Browzini” party by leaving a comment in this blogpost, together with your name, public follower name, FB name, email address, and mobile no.

5 lucky winners will be selected by the end of my Birthday, Thurs 26th Sep 2013.

Note that the prize will be given out during the party itself only yeah.

See ya girls!


  1. Why I want to join the Browzini? Because I wanna get waxed with my baby Rane! Its your birthday though, how could I miss it?

    Name: Ashley Yeen
    FB page:
    FB ACC:
    Phone: 017-4482835

  2. Would love to join this! Too bad not free on that day. Happy advance birthday to u darling! :D

  3. Happy Birthday, Rane! :D *pops confetti*

    I would love to attend the Benefit “The Great Browzini” party because I am absolutely horrible at doing my own eyebrows, and Benefit is definitely the expert at it! :D Plus, I've never been to a Benefit party before, so it would be fun! ^^

    Name: Laura Lee
    GFC: LauraLeia
    FB: Laura Lee
    Email: Laura1990my [at]

    I don't feel comfortable putting my mobile number on the comment box, hope you understand. :D

  4. Choose me! Choose Me!
    I want to attend Benefit “The Great Browzini” party because i like benefit products, and their eyebrown shaping service!! I never step in the Benefit One Utama brach yet! I want to step in together with you!!hahaha *finger cross*

    name: Trislynn Chan
    public follower name: Trislynn Chan FB name: Trislynn Chan
    Email address:
    Mobile no:014-7380177

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Rane!! Happy Advance Birthday!!

    I would like to attend the Benefit 'The Great Browzini; with you and all the awesome girls,, and have fun getting magically amazing eyebrows!Plus its your birthday,and it would be great to celebrate it together with you! =D

    name: Shasha Sekharan
    public follower name:Shasha Sekharan
    FB name: Shasha Sekharan

    and I dont feel so secure in putting my mobile number publicly... hope you can understand =)

  7. I want to attend Benefit “The Great Browzini” party because life without Benefit was so sad,you can fancy I was glad, to tame my Teeny-Weeny brow with the great Browzini is all i want in my little head!

    name: Cindy Tan
    public follower name: Chewhua tan
    FB name: Cindy Tan
    Email address:
    Mobile no:0163651069

  8. I want to join gorgeous Rane to Benefit “The Great Browzini” party because...
    1- It'll be awesome to be a part of your birthday celebration!
    2- Duh, Benefit + Rane = Fantabulous!
    3- My brows are in dire need of some grooming. SOS!
    4- Who could ever miss "The Great Browzini" party? The name says it all! It's too great to be missed!

    Here are my details:
    Name: Kay S
    Public follower name : Kay @ The Glossy Allure
    FB name : Kay GlossyAllure
    Email address :
    Mobile no. (Shall disclose this to you personally]

    Thanks dearie! Keeping my fingers (and toes!) crossed! <3

  9. Hi lovely, not participating, but here to wish you a happy (early) birthday! :D Hope you have a fab day and a fab event!

  10. Happy Birthday in advance Rane!
    The tape dispenser sure looks extraordinary!
    Good luck to the ladies.

  11. Thanks for the participants girls!

  12. Thanks Caroline, Paris B & Nadia! Catch up with you all again yeah ^ ^

  13. KellyJ12:31 PM

    Happy Birthday to both!

    I want to attend Benefit “The Great Browzini” party because it's simply can't missed!

    name: Kelly
    public follower name: KellyJ
    FB name: KellyJ
    Email address:
    Mobile no:Shall disclose personally to you

    Thank you Rane!
