
Nick Vujicic: Our Beacon of Hope Message of Hope

"No arms, no legs, but I do believe my life has no limits!" A life warrior without limbs - Nick Vujicic has came to Malaysia to give a motivational and inspirational talk to 3000 people in Coronar Group’s “Message of Hope” motivational talk which was held at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre. Besides the distributors and staff of VISIBER, local artists, disable people and students were also invited to the event.
Nick Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia. He was born with limb defects, and he once did not dare to dream nor have any goals for his life. He would not have expected the day, where he could actually be standing on podium, bringing hope to countless people, acting as a living miracle to them.
He hopes by sharing his life experience, people would be able to face their own failures and regain confidence, determination and courage to mend their wounds of defeat.
Nick Vujicic shared some meaningful values in his talk;

1) I don’t know what I can achieve until he tries. Most of the time we are the one who stop our potential. We need to face the one powerful emotion – fear, fear of failure, fear of never achieve anything, fear of other people. To do something new needs courage. Believe in Love, faith and courage. There was a purpose in everyone’ life. Don’t be afraid, don’t listen to silly fears.

2) We need balance, without balance, we gonna fall over.

3) Family is everything. Love is an action, we can affirm everyone.

4) The truth of my value is not determined on my look. When you don’t see the truth, you start to see the lies. For example, people used to tease Nick that he will has no joy, no hope, and depends on his parents in his whole life. He was then tried to commit suicide at age of 10. He was angry, depressed, alone, broken, and had no courage. When he was trying to drown himself, he was roll over in the water. The third time he rolled over, one thought stopped him, his parents. They told him that they love them, and show him that they love him indeed. So, Nick turns back on the lies! And he is so glad that he didn’t give up. He never knows that he’d be happy, and he has joy because he has loves that produce faith, and gives him courage.

5) When I fail, I try again. You don’t need courage to win but you need courage to lose! Accept that you’ll fail, and if you fail, you are not a failure. Set small goals, and there’s nothing wrong with taking small steps as long as there are all in the right direction. Change your obstacles into opportunities. Just like Nick, who has started with 0 speaking invitation, and today he has more than 28000 invitations to talk around the World.

6) Failure equal to education. Dream Big and never gives up. Make your choices today by imagine today is your last day in life. Today is everything, if you have hope today, you don’t need to be hope for your hope.

7) Whatever meant to be in your life will happen eventually. Do your best, and God will do the rest.

The establishment of 57 Foundation aims to help underprivileged group by giving them the love and care that they need. The “Message of Hope” Motivational Talk intends to deliver a meaningful message to the Malaysian community, which is to never give up, but only look forward to a brighter future!
Nick Vujicic has delivered his inspiring speeches to 7 billion people around the world. Similar to Nick Vujicic’s vision, VISIBER intends to spread the knowledge of numbers, and share the pathway of success across the 5 Oceans and 7 Continents of the World.

The chairman of VISIBER Group, Dato’ Patrick Tan expressed that “VISIBER is established with the hope of educating people on the hidden mysteries of numbers and how it may help overcome your obstacles and achieve your goals. With the many challenges and obstacles set ahead, Nick was truly a relentless fighter of life who has fought courageously. His fighting spirit is truly admirable!”
The president of VISIBER Group, Dato; David Hew said “We are very grateful to have Nick Vujicic in Malaysia and is given the golden opportunity to listen to his inspiring speeches. VISIBER Group and Foundation 57 believe that one should always remain positive in anything and everything they do. Life will never be smooth sailing, but if you learn to face the crashing waves, you will be relentless fighter of life – just like Nick! I hope everone will be able to benefit tremendously from this motivational talk.”

A cheque presentation to 57 foundation was presented during the motivational talk, with the reason of helping the unprivileged groups.

For more information about VISIBER, go to their Facebook page at

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