
See Magical Results in 4 Weeks with Fairy Beauty: Fairy Whitez & Fairy Blossom

Fairy Beauty and AGM had organized a beauty workshop some time ago this year. I have not heard of Fairy Beauty back then hence I’ve gained more knowledge by attending the workshop. Fairy Beauty currently has 2 products - Fairy Whitez and Fairy Blossom. The products are formulated in New Zealand even though Fairy Beauty is a Malaysian Company.

Fairy Whitez and Fairy Blossom is similar to collagen drinks that help you obtain eternal beauty and good body health, but in a safer way. Introduced in April 2012, Fairy Beauty uses advance bioactive nanotechnology to help solve wide spectrum of beauty and health issues with its Fairy Beauty Natural Botanical. 

The event was held at MYoga, The Gardens

Chinese artist MayJune was invited to the workshop to share her experience trying Fairy Whitez & Fairy Blossom. MayJune is taking Fairy Whitez & Fairy Blossom every morning and she likes the taste. Her menstrual pain improved during these 3 months of consumption. Her boyfriend noticed the improvements after 2 weeks, and he found that MayJune has firmer and bigger bust. She also felt more energetic nowadays.
Fairy Whitez helps enhance your skin complexion with the goodness of marine peptides and healing plant extracts such as mulberry and lingonberry. Fairy Whitez target 4 main skin conditions for women, namely;
1. Reduce wrinkles
2. Skin brightening
3. Reduce dark circles
4. Reduce pigmentation

Fairy Blossom is targeted to enhance and embrace your feminine beauty. It contains Apple Stem Cells for skin rejuvenation.  
1. Breast enlargement & firming
2. Relieve menstrual problem
3. Improve bone and joint health
4. Balance hormones 
5. Replenish vitamins and minerals
Fairy Whitez and Fairy Beauty are come in 10 bottles x 22ml in a box retail at RM 89 per box. It is available at Caring Pharmacy, AEON Wellness Pharmacy, Farmasi Alpha and independent pharmacies nationwide, Watsons and SASA.

For more information, visit:
Phone Contact: 603-6257 3700 / 3722
Fax: 603-6257 3755

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