
Our Today Moments

Most of you know that I’m a working mother of two young girls. I also have my personal blog and I like to attend events and workshops during weekend. Hence, my lifestyle is always hectic and not enough time.

I’ve done a survey by Friso Gold recently. From the survey, I realized that I have not spent enough time on my precious children. I am always caught up in daily-to-dos, such as sending and picking up the kids before and after work, household chores, running errands, attend events/workshops, manage my blog, and feed my children. As a result, I am always out of time for my kids, and I always feel guilty for not spending enough time with my girls.
I’ve been postponing plans with the girls during last school holiday simply because I don’t have time. I planned their activities based on what I need to do, for instance, I sent them to my mum because I have some launch events, or I leave them to nanny for spa review. I felt really bad for being such a lousy mum.

Friso Gold ‘Our Today Moments’ refers to the time we spend with our children, the time we set aside our daily to-dos and focus on “today”.  In another word, it’s about you making the effort to make every moment count with your kids - we call this quality time ‘Our Today Moments’.

From the survey, it found that while the Malaysian mum spends an average of 6 hours 45 minutes with her children in a day; and considers 60% of her time spent with her children as ‘quality time’. The working mum spends less time and considers a lower portion of her time spent with her children as ‘quality time’. Overall, a working mum spends about 2.5 hours lesser than a non-working mum or housewife with her children, and she considers only half her time with her children as ‘quality time’.
Just like me, more than half of working mums surveyed also feel she doesn’t spend enough time with their children, and we are feeling the tension to balance between work and family. Sometimes, we might have even missed out our children’s development.

As the beginning of this New Year, I have set a resolution to spend quality time with my children today, and every day. All I need to plan for is making the best of every moment with my girls. It's not about what I can do for them but how I can make the most of my time spontaneously. May year 2014 be a quality bonding year for me and my girls.
For more information about ‘Our Today Moments’ & the survey results, please visit

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