
My Testimonial of Kiwi AC+: 7 days Acne-Free

I received a box of Kiwi AC+ from HiShop last month for review purpose. 
Kiwi AC+ is a natural beauty drink designed from Japan to fight against Asian skin’s troubles. It is beverages of kiwi & fruits extracts, the natural source of nutrients and vitamins for overall skin’s health.
1 sachet (12g) of Kiwi AC+ contained 170% Vitamin C of our daily intake; it is equivalent to 5 pcs of lemons or 8 pcs of grapefruit.
It perfectly balances sebum secretion, while enhances the anti- oxidization and anti-inflammation properties.
How to consume?

Dissolve Kiwi AC+ in 100-150ml room temperature water. Consume Kiwi AC+ after meal if you have gastric problem.
Drink 2 sachets after breakfast from 1st to 3rd day. Then reduce to 1 sachet after breakfast for the 4th to 7th day.

So is it the perfect secret of porcelain skin as claimed? Well, I have serious breakout after 3rd day of consumption, I wasn’t sure if it’s due to I was on medicine and antibiotic though. But my skin does appear better after a week.
Somehow I do like the taste a lot. I think it would be a good replacement for my daily juices as it helps me a lot in past motion. :P
Kiwi AC+ is 100% natural and suitable for vegetarian too.

For more information about Kiwi AC+, visit
Kiwi AC+ Website:
Hotline: 1300 88 8386

Before ending this post, just want to share that HiShop is having a promotion for Kiwi AC+ now. Buy them now at

My readers would also enjoy Exclusive RM20 rebate by using the code 'KIWI14' in HiShop
*With minimum purchase of RM99, valid till 28 February 2014

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