
Have You Took Part in Shizens Stand Firm Stay Firm Photography Campaign?

Since ancient times, women inner strength can only be seen through their roles of giving birth to new life, taking care and protecting their family. But as time passed, women began demonstrating their capabilities in undertaking more responsibilities, raising a family as well as being part of the workforce and contributing to social welfare. As evolution enhanced the confidence level of every woman allowing them to showcase their inner strength, they still recognized the importance of physical beauty and strived to maintain their outer beauty through various means.
As a means of acknowledging and recognizing the efforts of all women, Shizens has launched a STAND FIRM STAY FIRM photo contest from 2 to 30 April, 2014.
Contest is classified into 2 categories, Photography Enthusiasts and Mobile Photography. Participants can submit their best shoots that is strong emotions, human and feminine at or #standfirmstayfirm at Instagram to win prizes worth more than RM18,000, including cash prizes, Shizens cash voucher and Smart gadgets!
Not only submitter will get the chance to win great prizes, lucky voters will win something cool from voting too!
I've joined the campaign because it's really easy to enter, plus, the great prizes are simply irresistible. Submission of photos is unlimited so we could submit as many photos as we want until Wednesday, 30 April 2014. Thus far I've submitted instagram entry,
 and the picture below through Shizens STAND FIRM STAY FIRM site.
I really wish we all could win some cool prizes from Shizens STAND FIRM STAY FIRM contest, do join and wish us luck yeah.

For more contest details, go to

Shizens Facebook page: 
Shizens Website:

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