
How My Mum Overcome Osteoarthritis (OA)

While I had chats with my relatives during Chinese New Year gathering, I found that most of my in midst of age 50s & 60s uncles and aunties are having joint pain in daily routine, so does my mom. I wonder if ageing have anything to do with this?

Just after Chinese New Year, mom who spends most of time at home complaints that her joint pain is getting severe especially when she was doing her housework especially mopping, lifting things up into the cupboard. She is kind a great mom that handles all the housework well and organized, so we can’t avoid to cure/understand the joint pain that she having now.

We decided brought her to Pharmacy for consultation and advises that near our housing area & told the pharmacist the conditions that mom having for months, like joint pain, swelling & etc.
The pharmacist mentioned that constant wear & tear in cartilage is very common for age 60s like mom, and this can cause pain, inflammation and swelling if untreated for a people suffering from osteoarthritis. She also added that the healthy cartilage helps to protects bones by preventing them from rubbing against each other & resulting in a "bone against bone" joint.

The pharmacist recommended a joint ointment for her but after some time there wasn’t much improvement. After months of suffering and trying various methods like pain killer, massage, acupuncture by Chinese traditional sifu, Mom was introduced to Live-Well OstesSAMIN plus Chondroitin by a friend which is same age with her who has suffered the same fate.
Since our family does not have a habit of taking health supplements so I did a bit of research regarding the product. Live-well OsteSAMIN Plus Chondroitin is a 2-in-1 formula containing glucosamine plus chondroitin which are the raw materials for building joint cartilage. Our daily movement involves rubbing between bones which wears off the cartilage in joints. Our body produces glucosamine and chondroitin to rebuild and nourish the worn-off cartilage, unfortunately the production declines as we age. When the supply of the nutrients is insufficient, it causes wear-and-tear (thinning of the cartilage) and induces pain & stiffness.

OsteSAMIN plus Chondroitin provides both glucosamine & chondroitin sulphate to repair and lubricate the cartilage, hence reducing pain and stiffness.

In addition, some studies show that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate may help protect joint cartilage by limiting breakdown while helping to build up cartilage.
After 2 months of consuming the Live-well OsteSAMIN supplements, her knee pain is getting lesser and relieved, housework is become easier for her.

Now she can enjoy playing with my 2 lovely kids, She joins me for workshop & surprisingly she took a day trip with her friends to Perak!

In between that period, she told us that she plan to stop Live-well OsteSAMIN supplements as she is getting better from knee pain and  I didn’t have an answer for her so I called up Live-well customer service infoline and enquired their nutritionist. The nutritionist explained that the production of glucosamine and chondroitin is insufficient in Osteoarthritis sufferers, therefore stop taking supplementary glucosamine and chondroitin would eventually cause the cartilage to continue to wear off and the pains would come back. She recommended my mom to take a maintenance dose which is 1 capsule twice daily for long-term joint protection. Hence, she listened & decided continue it for her joint health.

I am really glad that she was treated before her condition got worst and getting better. I’ve heard that severe osteoarthritis can lead to immobility. (Oh, I can’t makes this happens to my mom!)  Even if you’re not diagnosed with Osteoarthritis yet, you can also take OsteSAMIN plus Chondroitin for your joint health. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Take good care of your loved ones.

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