
Seven Seas Fruit Gummies & Fruitylicious Kids Day Campaign

How did you spend your time with your kids last school holiday? For me, it was a fruitful school holiday where we spent some quality together. And I’ve also let my elder girl tried something new – the Seven Seas Fruit Gummies which I found out on the supermarket’s shelf recently. She just loves all these yummy and healthy Fruit Gummies.
Seven Seas is one of most trusted healthcare brands in the U.K. It has the perfect solution with their range of Kids Fruit Gummies.
Available in packs of 30 delicious tasting gummies, Seven Seas Fruit Gummies come in three flavors, each enriched with different vitamins and minerals essential for the children’s formative years. Strawberry Fruit Gummies contains Vitamins A, B6 and C, Blackcurrant has Vitamin C and zinc, and the Orange variant comes with calcium and Vitamin D.
All these vitamins and minerals are not only essential for good health but for children’s physical growth as well as their mental development. Vitamin A is fat-soluble and we all know that it is vital for healthy eyes but what is not so commonly known is that it protects us from allergies. As a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin A protects us from free radicals which damage our cells, tissues and organs. These damages can result in serious health problems when the children grow older. As an immune booster, Vitamin A keeps us free from infections such as influenza and colds as well as from viral diseases such as measles.
Vitamin B6 is another essential vitamin to keep our children's immune and nervous systems in peak condition. It is also needed to make hemoglobin which ensures that all tissues and organs get enough oxygen to stay healthy and to function properly. Vitamin B6 is especially important during the growing years as it is involved in the development of the brain.
Zinc is just as important for normal growth and development during childhood as this mineral not only supports healthy cell growth but keeps the digestive system strong and improves digestion. Children are prone to cuts and lacerations and these will heal faster with zinc which helps in wound healing and blood clotting. Zinc will also give your children healthy skin and is naturally found in muscles, eyes, liver, teeth, bones, nails and hair. Like Vitamins A, B6 and C, zinc promotes immune function to stave off illnesses and is, interestingly, required for proper sense of taste and smell!
Children, at their critical stage of growth, need lots of calcium when their bones are forming and to keep them strong through adulthood. Children who do not get enough calcium are more prone to bone fractures and weaker teeth as they grow.  Intake of calcium alone is not enough. You must make sure that your children get sufficient Vitamin D to help in its absorption for proper bone growth and skeletal development. It is true that we get Vitamin D from sunlight but studies have shown that most children are just not getting enough of this essential vitamin and its deficiency can lead to bone-softening or rickets, a disease that is still reported in the U.S.  Here’s another interesting note; Vitamin D pumps up serotonin, a natural mood-elevating, feel-good chemical.
Finally, Vitamin C, the wonder vitamin. Vitamin C is an absolute must-have nutrient for your children. Besides strengthening their blood vessels, this wonder vitamin helps your child's gums to stay healthy, heal wounds and cuts, strengthens blood vessels, minimises bruising, form and repair bones, tissues as well as red blood cells. On top of all that, Vitamin C is a powerful immune booster to fight off infections.
Seven Seas gummies are free from preservatives, artificial colourings and flavourings.
Seven Seas Fruitylicious Kids Day campaign was launched in April 2014. They are now running a nationwide 'Colour & Win' contest from 15 Apr to 31 July 2014. 
You could let your child participate by colouring the Seven Seas Gummy Fruity Heroes on the contest form and stand a chance to win a Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 Lite/Kids or other great goodies.
My girl is joining the contest; I wish her Good Luck.
For more information about Seven Seas, please visit 

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