
Carpool is Safe and Convenient with tripda App #TRIPDAblogawards

Carpool is not a new thing, and it’s quite common among friends to share the fuel & toll to go to a place. But with Tripda app now, it makes it safe, easy and convenient. Anyone can be anyone’s company in any routes by tripda App.
Sometimes It is quite lonely to drive alone especially on long journey, especially for a single lady driver, long route seems dangerous. But hey, with tripda we could now carpool with anyone through the app. For ladies, there is this ladies-only ride where we could choose female users only to share rides.
Mr Lonely :P
Yeah carpool is fun and enjoyable!

How does tripda work?
First, register using your Facebook account.
Secondly, choose whether you would like to find or offer a ride.
Third, setup your trip details or select the trip that is most convenient to you.
Tripda would connects you to your trip buddles. Enjoy the ride with your buddy and rate your trip buddy after that. Not only that, the driver would get rated back too, and both earn reputation points in tripda.

No doubt carpool is economical and cheaper for both driver and passenger, coz we share the petrol and toll. It is also environmental friendly and in the long run, it will improve our air quality. We get social benefits too because we get to meet new people and make new friends, who know we might even get to know our Mr/Mrs Right using tripda app?! It is also good in spread the culture of the sharing economy,
Tripda mobile app is available on iOS and Google Play.
Tripda website

Tripda instagram + twitter handle: @TripdaMY

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