
What is My Dream for My Child #DreamForMyChild

Being parents is not easy, from the first day we conceive till the last day we stayed together. However, I am still thankful to become a mother. A lot of parents wish their children the success in life; become a lawyer, doctor etc. But my dream for my child is simple, I just wish them healthy and happy.
Healthy comes from healthy lifestyles. It is important to eat and live healthily hence I give them the most organic and natural food, and the most comfortable environment whenever possible.
Happy comes from doing what they like, without worrying about the financial. I am not talking about material stuff but they should have the basic financial and mental support to pursue their dreams and do what they passionate about.
Recently I came across AmMetlife #DreamForMyChild campaign. The campaign aim to hear what is Malaysia parents' dreams for their children.
AmMetlife has share a very touching video at youtube 

The video is emotional for me because as a parent I will do the same as what the Father did: to sacrifice everything just to see a smile on my children’s face. Give the video a watch and I’m sure you will feel touch by it too.
As a parent, I'm sure you will also have dreams and hopes for your own children. So why not answer this question: "What's your dream for your child?" on AmMetLife's microsite and stand a chance to win a brand new iPad Air 2 worth RM1,599.

By participating, the most inspirational answer per week can win an iPad Air 2, pre-loaded with education support for their child. The #DreamForMyChild campaign starts from 27 January - 3 April 2015, so there's a total of 10 weeks = 10 iPads to giveaway!\

To join, log on to

Come join this meaningful campaign to win that iPad Air 2 for our children today :)


  1. being a wife, a mom and working, is definitely very challenging... but it can also be rewarding.....

  2. Yes Miera, I hope the kids would appreciate what we do for them too :)

  3. You can find here lots of tips for parents to monitor kids' activity.
