
Horlicks® Spearheads Breakfast Education #HariHariHorlicks

GlaxoSmithKline(GSK) Consumer Healthcare, a leading global science-led healthcare company that aims to help Malaysians do more, feel better and live longer, today introduced the Hari-Hari Horlicks Breakfast Campaign. The campaign aims to educate 1.5 million people from all walks of life on the importance of a nourishing breakfast with the complete range of multi-vitamins, minerals and micronutrients so that they start the day right.

The campaign targets to address  poor eating patterns among Malaysians, especially school children, in Kuala Lumpur. Three in 10 primary school children in Peninsular Malaysia skip breakfast and it is reported to be the most missed meal among Malaysian children. A study conducted by the School of Healthcare Sciences of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) revealed that only 22 percent of school children in Kuala Lumpur consume breakfast on a regular basis, with the common choices of breakfast being bread, biscuits and ready-to-eat-cereals.
Further findings indicate that there are a significant number of school children who are not getting enough nutrition with 13.2% being underweight and 15.8% showing stunted growth. This is due in large part to poor dietary habits in addition to skipping breakfast, such as the frequent consumption of snacks and fast food and the low consumption of fruits and vegetables. This in turn leads to deficiencies in essential micronutrients and to “hidden hunger.” Unlike the hunger that is caused by food deprivation, hidden hunger is a chronic lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs. Those who suffer from hidden hunger may not be aware of it and the consequences are detrimental as it leads to poor mental development, poor physical health and productivity.
In response to this situation, the Hari-Hari Horlicks Breakfast Campaign intends to educate Malaysians  to make the right choices in the morning with a nutritious breakfast so that they get the nourishment they need for a productive day ahead. Breakfast is often underestimated by many despite earning the title as the most important meal of the day. It is possible that many families make poor nutrition choices  due to their demanding lifestyles.

A Strong Nutrition Legacy

GSK Marketing Director, Katharine Chen emphasised, “Breakfast not only allows you to start a new day on the right foot but is linked to many health benefits that promote well-being and concentration whether in school or at work. Horlicks is reaching out to all Malaysians to raise awareness on breakfast with the right nutrition, in our efforts to curb the incidence of hidden hunger. We hope to reach out to 1.5 million Malaysians with the Hari-Hari Horlicks Breakfast campaign to educate them on the importance of a proper and nutritious breakfast.”
GSK Marketing Director, Katharine Chen

Chen continued, “It is apt that Horlicks – The Growth Nourisher - takes on this role today, having been borne out of a strong legacy of nutrition, since 1873.  Backed by the brand’s compelling scientific credentials, Malaysians have enjoyed this rich malted drink for over 50 years. Just two serves of Horlicks contains 115% of the daily Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) of Calcium and provides an important nutritional start to your day when consumed at breakfast.”
Ensure the Right Nutrition at Breakfast

It is not only important to take breakfast regularly but also to consume healthy breakfasts. While the average Malaysian loves his or her breakfast of roti canai, nasi lemak, curry mee and kueh, the nutritional benefits from these types of food do not meet the daily nutrition requirements needed by the body. Horlicks complements the nutritional value needed as it is fortified with calcium and Vitamin D and power packed with 23 vital nutrients which are crucial for growth and development. 
Nutritionist, Alexandra Prabaharan. Prabaharan cooking demo during Horlicks® Breakfast Media Launch Event

Horlicks aims to shape consumer perception that a healthy breakfast can be tasty and nutritious, and important to promote performance and concentration through the day. The campaign launch event included a discussion on the benefits of a nutritious breakfast and the actual nutrition that most Malaysians consume in the morning. There was a  cooking demonstration of healthier Malaysian breakfast options by guest nutritionist, Alexandra Prabaharan. Prabaharan showed how nasi lemak and sandwiches can be made delicious and nutritious with just a few changes to the ingredients.
“Simple changes in our ingredients and eating habits can make a world of difference to our breakfasts. Baking instead of frying, cutting down on carbohydrates and sugar can ensure that we have a more nutritious breakfast in the morning. For example a simple egg sandwich and a cup of Horlicks will provide better nutrition for you and your little one compared to a packet of nasi lemak or meehoon,” said Prabaharan during the cooking demonstration.
As part of the campaign, the Horlicks Breakfast Truck will be visiting 109 schools and 66 public venues and hotspots around the Klang Valley  to raise awareness of good breakfast nutrition and to provide complimentary cups of Horlicks  to schoolchildren and members of the public, so that they start their day right.
In support of the campaign, the public can share their Horlicks Breakfast Truck’s moments, favourite breakfast, and innovative breakfast ideas by posting pictures on their social media platform using the hashtag #HariHariHorlicks. The top five entries with the most creative caption and picture will receive 12 packs of Horlicks each. The mini contests run from 23 March to 30 April 2015.

Other activities by Horlicks to promote the cause

Horlicks  also recently launched a corporate social responsibility programme called the Horlicks School Journey Initiative to help address children’s lack of access to education in Malaysia. For more information on this initiative, please visit

For more information on Horlicks, please visit or or call the GSK consumer hotline at 1-800-88-3225 or email

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