
Ain't No Any Party Like The Bloggers Poolside BBQ Party

It has been ages I have not attended any BBQ party, I kinda miss it. Not only because BBQ is so yummilicious but it is so fun and it is also one of the best way to spend some quality time with friends and family! Thanks to Sidney from Big Boys Oven, my family and I had a chance to attend a Bloggers Poolside BBQ Party last Sunday evening at Opal Damansara Condominiun, Kota Damansara. It was a breezy evening after a shower in the noon that day.
We had enjoyed delectable BBQ spread sponsored by Bakarlah and GST food. The meats are juicy and the prawns are fresh and big. They are so tasty and we couldn’t have enough of them.
The kids love the NY Steak Shack shack brown sauce meatball spaghetti and Pepsi Cola. They also love the delicious cakes sponsored by Eastin Hotel.

A party is not only about food, Sidney had also arranged a series of activities for us. First and foremost, my girls had enjoyed making their own customized necklace conducted by EJS Jewelery & Kelvin Gems. The colorful beads and charms are definitely attractive to a girl and even women like me.
Then we have enjoyed the beautiful and artistic Body painting by Fennie. Fennie is an experienced Art instructor who is located in Klang, thanks to her for coming all the way to support the event. She had transformed the kids and adults to beautiful ladies that day.
Last but not least was the most anticipated activities by all attendees; we had our own Portrait shooting by renowned photographer Zung. He had captured our real moment in Black and White and ‘Twilight’ theme. I am yet to get my pictures but I’d share once I get it yeah.

I didn’t take much pictures that day because I was busy participating the activities and taking care my girls. I hope there’d be more events like this where we could sit back and enjoy the special moment together.
Oh before I forgot, each of us also went back home with Goodie bag courtesy from Shills, NY and HeiSushi.

Overall, we have enjoyed the BBQ party throughout thoroughly. My sincere gratitude to all the people for making this happen. It was definitely one of the loveliest and happening poolside BBQ parties we have ever attended.

For more information on the sponsors, go to;

Bakarlah BBQ & Rental -
NY Steak Shack Malaysia –