
Artisan Coconut Ice Cream – Sangkaya

I had my first Artisan coconut ice creamSangkaya at the Mobile, IT and Electronic Expo (MOBITE) today, yay! I have been eyeing on this for months and I had it finally. So, what’s so special about Sangkaya ice cream? 

Sangkaya ice cream is freshly made daily in small batches with the finest ingredients and will always be GM free, with no artificial additives or preservatives. So are their innovation, they're familiar yet fresh.

The W.O.W factor 
Sangkaya build relationships with you, the customers and their staffs and partners through.

[W]onders of coconuts 
Being ambassadors to the wondrous benefits of the coconut fruit and its versatility as food.

Provide every believer of their vision a platform to grow together with Sangkaya.

Experience a holistic understanding of the company and product culture.

We also managed to catch the hansem coconut ambassador to delighting our long weekend! Back to the ice cream, I like it’s freshness and not too sweet texture. I finished the signature Sangkaya ice cream by myself, yummy! The signature Sangkaya ice cream (RM 10.90) comes with 4 scoops (small scoops) of coconut ice creams, coconut flesh, and 3 toppings of our choice on a fresh coconut husk.

Locate Sangkaya pop-up kiosk (beside R&R) from 11am-9pm, Fri thru Sun @ Mobile IT & Electronic Expo, Midvalley Exhibition Centre.

Sangkaya Facebook page -

Instagram @sangkayacreamery
Twitter @sangkaya_my

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