
My Game-changing Challenge to Learn Cooking & #Ready to P1ay

A couple of weeks ago, when I picked up my 26 months-old girl from nanny, I had a chat with her on the way back as usual. I was asking her what she had at nanny’s house, and what she wanted to have for dinner. Since her favourite food is noodle hence I was telling her: ‘Honey, mummy will cook noodle for you tonight, ok?’ I was stun with her answers; could you guess how has she replied to me?
She said ‘No, mummy don’t know!’, obviously she has been noticing me for never go into the kitchen to cook in her entire memory.

I felt ashamed and it has alerted me if I’m not a good mother. I have neither cook oat nor porridge for my kids ever. Compared with my peers, they are cooking nutritious food for their family and enjoying the motherhood moment every now and then.

In fact, it’s not a secret that I don’t know how to cook. Almost everyone who knows me know that I don’t know how to cook, even a simple fried rice. Our family has been eating outside or takeout food almost every day.
I know it’s time to take the Game-changing challenge to cook home food for the family. Furthermore, my Hubby has got some health issue lately with high blood pressure and high cholesterol etc. There are more reasons and benefits for me to start cooking for the family. Again, a good wife and a good mummy would cook the healthiest and yummiest food for the family, isn’t it. I don’t need to become No. 1 chef in the World but I just want to become the master chef for the family.

However, cooking is not easy at all. It takes time, effort and dedication to becoming an expert on how to cook.
Start from ground, I learn from my mom and my mother in law. I look at how they cook and practice when I’m home.

Not only that, I started following my colleagues to do grocery shopping during lunch time, and get some tips and advices from them.
To continue learning new cooking techniques and skills, I have also enrolled in culinary classes during free time. I have been cooking simple food for the family now, I am happy to see that they love what I cook. In order to make more variety of food for my loved ones, I know I must learn how to make different cuisines. Hence I have spent time to learn on new recipes through cooking books and watch cooking channels on TV as well as youtube.
Talking about youtube, a reliably fast Internet connection is essential for me to watch those videos smoothly. I have heard my friends mentioned that P1 has improved their network reliability and capacity since joining the TM family in year 2014.
Watch the video at

And since they are having #ReadyToP1ay promotions, I really wanted to give P1 a try. The promotion allows new customers like me who sign up with any P1 plans for ForHome®, ToGo® and ForBiz® with a 24-month contract to enjoy 1-month free internet and zero upfront payment (which will be reflected in the first bill). Provide your details online at #ReadyToP1ay and enjoy free delivery to your doorstep!
I find no reason for not giving this P1 on-going promotion a try.

Last but not least, P1 will be running various giveaways and activities in the coming few months. To keep yourselves updated with their latest giveaways and activities, plus a chance to win some awesome prizes including a new iPads in the entire month of July. Do follow P1’s social media below ya;

For more information, visit P1’s #ReadyToP1ay



  1. wow cooking eh, i wanna try your cooking leh..haha, me too have to learn to cook better

  2. Yeap, self-cooking is always better than outside food. I'm so much concern after I checked my blood and there're some health issue also T.T

  3. ok what simple food! no that bad as long as edible. Cooking class sounds great to bring delicious food to the table for your love one.

  4. yeah cooking for loved ones not easy as you need think of what to cook and what they dont see

  5. Looking at our love ones eating the dishes we prepared is just priceless... Enjoy cooking ya!

  6. Practise makes perfect... keep up the good work. One day your daughter will tell her friends that her mum is the best cook.

  7. Aww, i find my fondest memory is helping my mum in the kitchen ! no worries, i'm sure you'll do great :)

  8. oh no... I don't cook either and I feel so guilty for my future family haha

  9. practice more and that won't be a problem !keep it up :)

  10. Is such a long time I never cook after busy with study and work. i think I need to spend more time polish my cooking .

  11. I only started learning to cook when I got married. I cook really easy stuff compared to my terror friends but as long as it's edible and healthy enough, it's ok for hubby and me. Plus eating out has become really expensive. I'm sure bigger families feel it more. My friends recommend getting the Chef Wan recipe book. Easy to follow, beautiful photos :)

  12. Awww don't feel ashamed! You are already making efforts to learn and cook delicious meals for your family. Continue the great effort. :)

  13. Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. Plenty of women don't know how to cook, me included. You made the effort to learn and you're awesome for it. Home-cooked food is always the best, no matter how tasty outside food tastes. There's a taste of love on it, ya know? Anyway, good luck with your cooking!

  14. I love cooking! I have always dreamt of cooking for my family and now I can fulfill it daily hehe... I follow lots of blogs/vlogs & joined fb groups and learn from other mummies alike, lots of simple homecooked meal and once u get the hang of it, it becomes too easy sometime that u become lazy lolx... Ok maybe that's an excuse for me ahahahha but yes, in fact there are quite alot of recipes and even getting some kitchen tools like Electric lunch boxes/air fryer that can make homecooking so much easier and healthier (minus the electricity going up a lil), try it~! Btw you're doing an awesome job already! Don't feel bad about it hehe no one said it was gonna be easy, cheers!

  15. I am still in the progress of learning cooking. haha. But my dear seems did better than me.

  16. Cooking simple meal also can already, I'm sure your hubby also will just eat

  17. Cooking is not that hard actually! (I am a guy and I can cook pretty well!)
    Just understand some basics and let practice makes perfect! Practice more and your kids will love you and your food <3 keep up the good work here!
