
Cold Storage Brings Bon Odori to Shoppers With Cultural Dance and Festival Food Fare

Calling all Japanese fans out there! Don’t miss the Japanese food and culture roadshow at New Wing Oval concourse of One Utama Shopping Centre happening now to this Sunday.  Cold Storage, the supermarket renowned for high quality food from all corners of the word, has brought the much-celebrated Bon Odori cultural dance and festival food fare from Japan for the enjoyment of urbanites.
Bon Odori Cultural Dance and Festival Food Fare
Venue: New Wing Oval concourse, One Utama Shopping Centre
Date: 3 Sep to 6 Sep 2015
Time: 10AM to 10PM 

Enjoy different aspects of Japanese culture, along with over 1,000 items of food products, confectionery and a variety of delicacies in the comfort of the shopping mall.
L-R: - Mohd Azizil Halim bin Mohd Mohsin, Cold Storage Bandar Utama Store Manger
- Angus Gore-Andrews, Cold Storage General Manager
- Patrick So, One Utama Management General Manager

Speaking at the launch of the five-day event, Angus Gore-Andrews, General Manager of Cold Storage Supermarkets said: “As one of the very first supermarkets in Malaysia, or rather, it was Malaya then; Cold Storage has long been known for quality fresh produce and fine foods, brought in from every corner of the world. This reputation is the result of many decades of serving the global community’s needs for not just fresh food but also imported grocery and food products from home, wherever that may be,”

“We also know that often, offering our customers food from home alone, is not enough. Each community celebrates their own festivals that come with special food and cultural practices. Over the years, we have included in our calendar numerous cultural activities and festivals to celebrate the diversity of our customers. This Cold Storage Japanese Food Fair, in conjunction with the Obon or Bon festival is yet another of them,” he added. 

The Bon Odori festival, traditionally held to honour ancestors, has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years. The carnival-like celebration that lasts for three days is celebrated between July and September, within different regions of Japan.
It’s a fair fit for families with activities from the traditional to modern, dancing, singing and costume dressing, as well as a variety of popular games from Japan. The event also features Japanese food booths and refreshment, and other Japanese arts performances and demonstrations.

For the food fair, the imported Japanese food products and confectionary include rice crackers, green tea, candy and gummy, as well as cooking ingredients such as seaweed, miso and other condiments. In conjunction with the celebration of the Japanese festive season, special items have been brought in from Hokkaido and Shizuoka, among many other limited edition products.
I’ve already done my shopping there, what are you waiting for?

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