
Watch The Most Romantic Proposal at Maxis Dinner in The Sky 360 Video

What is your ideal proposal? I still remember my husband planned to propose to me with a surprise but failed because I was too smart lol. But it was still a memorable moment because that moment decided 2 people life is together for the rest of their life.

Over the years there are quite a lot of proposals being posted publicly, be it a proposal in the cinema, proposal in a mall, proposal in a big advertised board etc. Today I gotta share one that is most unique and special one I find, with a 360 interactive video version where the viewers get the experience to witness Khai’s romantic marriage proposal. 
Maxis Dinner in The Sky 360 Video is the first 360 video proposal in the world featuring the real life event of Khai proposing his girlfriend 150 feet in the air and Maxis also is the first brand in Malaysia to produce content in 360 innovative formats. I can see a lot of effort have been put to that romantic wedding proposal, and I find the 360 Video cool and interesting. I have been watching it for almost 10 times, and I can see that the couple and everyone else at the scene were enjoying that moment together, how I wish I was there too.

Check it out to see if Khai’s romantic proposal successful or not, would you?


  1. That's just easy because you just need to ask your husband book the dinner so you can be there too...

  2. It's the 360 degree vidoe that made this so special :)

  3. Yah, look so special, I got ask my husband bring me go to try also but he worry me fear of heights so still not try yet.
