
Are You Diagnosed with Anaemia? Sangobion Could Help!

Do you often feel tired, dizzy, unable to concentrate and have pale looking face? If your answers are mostly Yes, you could be suffering from anaemia. In fact, a lot of us especially women are anaemia but we do not aware before going through diagnosis. Just like many other disease, early diagnosis and treatment are essential and hence I went to a free hemoglobin blood test at Health Lane Pharmacy, Taman Bukit Maluri last weekend.
The hemoglobin blood test is simple and fast. The lady poke a small needle to get my blood and put into the machine to test. Result was revealed almost in no time! It is easy to read the result, where non pregnant-women who are older than 15 years old should have hemoglobin above 12g/dL; Pregnant Women should have 11g/dL; and Men who are older than 15 years old should have hemoglobin above 13g/dL.
My result was not that good and hence I stayed on to study further on anaemia, which is often the result of insufficient supply of healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. It is often the result of nutritional deficiency, genetics and chronic diseases. And sadly, we women face a higher risk of anaemia due to iron loss during menstruation and pregnancy.
There are several causes of anaemia including:

Abnormal menstrual bleeding, deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals for production of red blood cells, chronic illness such as inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure and acute and chronic infections, and increased breakdown of red blood cells due to intensive physical training. The most common cause of anaemia is iron deficiency.
Therefore, the World’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company for innovative, top-quality high-tech products in healthcare, life science and performance materials - Merck has launched Sangobion, which is an iron supplement that replenishes iron stores and increases red blood cell levels in the body. It consists of the full range of vitamins and minerals that is necessary for production of red blood cells, and contains Vitamin C to help in increasing absorption of iron. It also contains Sorbitol which helps to reduce incidence of constipation commonly caused by iron supplementation.
It also fights the symptoms of anaemia such as fatigue, paleness, weakness, lack of concentration and dizziness. Sangobion helps to increase red blood cell levels to optimize oxygen needed in the body, so you could perform at your best throughout the day.
To raise awareness for anaemia, Merck has continues to organize free checkup at participating pharmacies throughout the month of November. Visit for event schedule as well as for more information on Sangobion.


  1. i wonder if low blood pressure is related to this too, will head for a check up too!

  2. i didn't know they actually have this.. I want to check mine as well. pretty worried that i have anaemic.

  3. Don't have anaemia. Luckily. But I remember one of my school mate in boarding school have a severe one. Gotta recommend this to her :D

  4. oh iron is important for health :) better start taking now as prevention is always better than cure

  5. This post reminds me to get my blood checked. Can never be too sure

  6. didn't know of this until I read here. somehow I saw some people up their status on related to this. Hehe.. shall let friends know of this too.

  7. Anonymous11:59 PM

    I should get myself checked too. by the way, it's good they have come out with this product. could really help those who needed

  8. I should get myself check too. it's good to know they come out with this product. it can really help those who needed it

  9. Great idea.. I have been quite down and also tired.. I definitely need a check...

  10. This is a great campaign as most of us do not take very good care of ourselves until it is a bit too late. And people often overlook Anaemia as a serious health problem.

  11. Nice to see them stepping it up and provide testing on site rather than just selling it off the counter.

  12. i definitely need this as i am suffering from low blood pressure and anemia. Constantly feel weak & faint when i stand for long.

  13. I wonder sometimes I have bit dizziness might be related to this. Have to test it.

  14. A new knowledge for me... :) Thank you for sharing!

  15. Scary. hope your anemia score gets higher wei. Be strong and don't faint kay. Thanks for the tips btw :D

  16. For anaemia person, besides medicine, can also adapt diet that's help in producing red blood cell like spinach and beetroot :)

  17. It's always best to take care of ourselves to the best of our abilities Rane. Though I think its high time I went for a check up too :)
