
DIY My Hearty, Healthy and Wholesome Meal at O’Briens

As a working mother of 2 girls cum a blogger, my life is really busy and hence I always have Sandwich because it is suitable for me who am always on the go. Sandwich is fast and easy to consume, and most importantly they fill up my stomach quickly.
Today, I’d like to share with you my favourite sandwich from O’Briens, the Irish sandwich café. Why? Because they only use freshness and healthy ingredients to provide hearty, healthy and wholesome meal to their customers. Well, you may thought how do I know? Of course, I have gone through a “made your own sandwich workshop” organized by Seeties and O’Briens and I am a certified sandwich maker now (recognized & declared by my own lol).
Before we started the workshop, first and foremost we need to wash our hands thoroughly for hygiene purpose. Then we put on our cap and apron before entering the kitchen, follow with put on gloves on our hands in order to make our sandwiches.
Do you know that the kitchen is indeed very hot? Salute to all the workers because they can stand the heat released from the toaster, freezer and other electronic equipment.
We were introduced to the O’Briens Fresh & Premium Ingredient including:

- White Bread / traditional style
- Wholemeal Bread / many good sources in single bread
- Wholemeal Shambo / house speciality, Irish Shambo
- Facaccia Shambo / for herb lovers
- Ciabatta / Italian style
- Multigrain / high in complex
- Wrappo / good for diet
Main Filling
Egg, Egg Mayo, Plain Chicken, Chicken Mayo, Chicken Slice, Chicken Crisp, Chicken Sausage, Mild Spicy Herbs, Volcanic Chicken, Piri-Piri Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Plain Tuna, Tuna Mayo, Smoke Salmon, Cheddar Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, Brie Cheese, Feta Cheese, Parmesan Cheese

Mixed Peppers, Roasted Peppers, Red Onion, Sweetcorn, Black Olives, Croutons, Pine Nut, Walnut, Tomato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Lollo Rosa, Lollo Bionda, Watercress, Sundried, Roasted Brinjal, Roasted Zucchini, Coleslaw
Basil Pesto, Cream Cheese, Honey Mustard, Aran Island, Ballymaloe, Ceasar Dressing, Italian, Cranberry, Guacamole / Made from fresh Avocado, Houmous
First, cut the bread in half
Then, spread butter on the bread evenly
Looks like the staff was impressed with my performance!
Put on Main
Put on Cheese before toasting it
Put on Chicken Crisp, which is a Must order in O’Briens
Lastly, put on vege and spread butter for the top bun
Tada, O’Briens & Ms Rane sandwich is done!

Guess what did I choose for my own sandwich that day? I have selected Multigrain fill with Beef, Chicken Crisp, Swiss Cheese top with Lettuce, Tomato and Red Onion serve with Guacamole. The taste of my combination is simply fantastic, I would highly recommend their crispy Chicken Crisp! It made my sandwich crunchy and tasty. O’Briens serves their sandwiches with their signature potato chips, I wouldn’t mind for more of the freshly baked potato chips.
At O’Briens, one could opt to create your own Sandwich
Choose a Bread + 1 Main Filling + 3 Salads + 1 Sauce at your choices.

You could also get the O’Briens Meal Deal - Purchase any sandwich & your choice of drink (Iced Earl Grey Tea / Cappuccino / Soup of the Day)
O’Briens does not only serve great sandwich, they also serve good coffee and 100% fresh fruit juices too. I have also signed up to O’Briens membership card where I could enjoy exclusive rebates and rewards in store during the workshop.
Wanna know the next sandwich on my wish list? It’s the O’Briens limited edition Christmas set Smoke Chicken Thigh on Ciabatta for a delicious Christmas. If you want to try this out you better be hurry as this deal is valid from 17th Nov 2015 to 31st Dec 2015 only.

O'Briens Irish Sandwich Cafe is located at major shopping malls. Visit their sites below for more information;
Website: O'BriensMalaysia
FB: O'Briens Irish Sandwich Cafe Malaysia
For delivery service, please call 1-300-30-3000
Thank you O'Briens & Seeties for the wonderful event!


  1. I love their fresh sandwiches too :) plus they are all customizable to the taste i like :D

  2. Nice experience. Cooking or preparing food is always a good way to bond with family specially with kids. I see your kids were there with you. Hope she had a great time too :)

  3. The last time i went to obrien, i never saw a waitress like you. Joke a side, i love their healthy food.

  4. Yummy! Always love O'Briens! Healthy and satisfying choice. Your sandwich looks delicious

  5. wow so healthy sandwiches to do make there.
    good bonding with your gal too.

  6. Hello gorgeous... are you the new waitress at O Brien's... I will visit soon and you make me one of these sandwich k.... heheheh.... sorry... sahaja nak kacau....

  7. You look so adorable in your outfit. Looks like you had a good time with your little girl also. I'm actually craving for as sandwich after reading your post. lol

  8. good morning super mummy! :) . i experienced this too, making a sandwich there is fun.

    best part is, the sandwiches are yummy to be eaten!

  9. Wow... you had made a great sandwich. Can you please made 1 for me ? He he he...

  10. Lovely pics together with your lovely daughter! hehe
    The sandwich making was definitely a fun activities hehe! Wanted to try the sandwich you make ler! XD

  11. Can make your own sandwich in the event. Looks fun! Their sandwich looks fresh too!

  12. Looking like youre already qualified to work there. hehe. looks like fun!

  13. Haha my husband loves this place Rane. A very healthy choice especially if you are on the get go. The event looked like fun - loved the personalization and customization that was done :)

  14. Whole wheat bread definitely a healthier choice. Hope I can make delicious sandwiches like them also :D

  15. I love O'briens sandwich! great experience ur have here. Btw, u nmpk sagt comel la pakai cap n apron tu rane :)

  16. i enjoy it too. i love how O'Brien give us opportunity to explore ourself how to cut the bread.

  17. Unfortunately, we do not have O'Brien near to my place so I have to settle for the next best thing. Hehehe. Now have to start thinking about eating right.

  18. definitely a lot of fun to make your own sandwiches there, i heard the quality for the filling is top notch too

  19. I like their chips and also the freshly made sandwiches.

  20. it must e an awesome experience to DIY ur own sandwiches :) wish I will have the chance to :) cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  21. My favorite place for healthy delicious sandwich, will definitely go back there :)
