
Enhance Your Child’s Learning with Dutch Lady’s Smart Activity Cards & Win Cash Prizes in Anak Bijak Mak Menang Campaign

Malaysian parents can look forward to more than good nutrition in Dutch Lady’s Anak Bijak, Mak Menang campaign running from 1 November to 31 December 2015.
Dutch Lady Nutri Plan™ with 5x DHA range of formulated milk powder for children 1 to 6+ years old, now comes with a series of smart custom-designed activities cards, to stimulate and encourage learning according to their development stages, while mums stand to win a total of RM500,000 cash prizes through a simple contest.

Dutch Lady Malaysia is rolling out a series of smart activities cards, custom-designed to stimulate children’s minds and encourage learning according to their developmental stages. These cards are developed in line with Dutch Lady Nutri PlanTM with 5X DHA* formulated milk powder for children, which provides nutrition tailored to a child’s milestones and mental developmental needs. On top of tailored nutrition and learning tools, Dutch Lady is giving away more than RM500,000^ in cash prizes during the campaign period.
Ms. Karen Yeo, Marketing Manager at Dutch Lady Malaysia explained the objective of the campaign, which is to reward our loyal mums by providing them useful learning tools that they can utilize easily to enhance children’s learning experiences.

Karen Yeo, Marketing Manager at Dutch Lady Malaysia explained the objective of the campaign. “Dutch Lady hopes to reward our loyal mums by providing them useful learning tools that they can utilize easily to enhance children’s learning experiences; and we have taken the initiative to work with a child development and learning expert to create this series of activity cards, which comes complimentary with every pack of Dutch Lady formulated milk powder for children between the ages of 1 to 6+ years” she said.
(From left to right) RifqyDanish, Jia Rye, Josiah Lu, Karen Yeo and QashifDariysshowing some of the farm animals featured in the series of Dutch Lady Smart Activities Card.

Providing parental tips on the topic of development at the campaign launch was consultant paediatrician, Dr. R. Juanita R. Lope. She said that children develop mentally in stages and that they gain smartness or grow smarter as they develop. “Whilst every child hits different developmental milestones at differing rates, parents need to monitor their little one’s development.”

“Other than checking off developmental milestones, it is important for parents to provide their children with the right nutrition and stimulation to support each developmental stage, so as to optimize and encourage healthy growth and development,” she added.

In terms of mental milestones, Dr. Juanita said, “there are four different stages that parents can use as a guide as the child grows – Curious (from age one to two years), Explore (from age two to four years), Create (from age four to six years), and Learn (from age six years and above)”.
Consultant paediatrician, Dr.Juanita R. Lope and Dutch Lady Malaysia corporate nutritionist, Loo Mei Fong provided some tips to parents on children’s development and their nutritional needs at various stages.

Dutch Lady Malaysia corporate nutritionist Loo Mei Fong said that a child grows more sophisticated in his thinking as he progresses from one milestone to another. “Dutch Lady Nutri PlanTM with 5X DHA* is formulated to enable parents to support this mental development by stages through four different milestone-denoted variants:

·      CURIOUS (1-2 years old) - For children at this stage observe the surroundings with their eyes; it is formulated with Inositol, Taurine, and Vitamin A to protect and support further development of the eyes;

·      EXPLORE (2-4 years old) – During this stage children like to touch and taste everything around them, they need immunity so that they have the freedom to explore the world; and this can be strengthened with nutrients like Selenium and Zinc;
·      CREATE (4–6 years old) – It is formulated for children at this stage with nutrients such as Tyrosine, Choline, and Vitamin D to support their imaginative skills; and
·      LEARN (6 years and above) – At this stage, children six years are getting ready for formal schooling, this variant has Magnesium to help support their concentration and memory skills for better learning.

“Each milestone’s nutritional plan also looks at addressing certain deficiencies and gaps as highlighted by the South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS) – especially Vitamin D; as well as nutritional requirements according to the Ministry of Health’s recommended nutrition intake (RNI),” she said.

She added: “Overall, all four milestone-denoted variants serve as a comprehensive nutrition programme to help parents support their children’s development throughout the growing up stages”.
Mia Sara and the 4 adorable Dutch Lady kids each carrying one of the lovely farm animals featured in the series of Dutch Lady Smart Activities Card.
To fully support a child’s mental development, suitable brain stimulation with educational tools is equally crucial. That is why, for a limited period, each pack of Dutch Lady Nutri PlanTM with 5X DHA* comes with a set of Smart Activity Cards.
Mia Sara and the 4 adorable Dutch Lady kids each carrying one of the lovely farm animals featured in the series of Dutch Lady Smart Activities Card.

Designed for each developmental stage, the Smart Activity Cards aid children in two major ways. Firstly, by introducing the vocabularies needed to describe the animals, their characteristics and the environment they live in, the cards improve a child’s skills in language and expression. Secondly, the cards provide ideas for activities that will encourage children to ask questions, explore, be creative and absorb more knowledge. These activities are also perfect opportunities for parents to spend quality time with their children while exercising their ‘smartness’.
While each child gets the nutrition and learning tools tailored to his or her developmental stage, the Anak Bijak Mak Menang campaign is also giving parents the opportunity to win a total of more than RM500,000^ in cash prizes. By collecting the activity cards with every purchase of Dutch Lady formulated milk powder for children, each consumer stands a chance to walk away with cash prizes valued between RM50 to RM5,000 each week during the campaign period.
Click to watch the video above for Josiah Lu and Jia Rye's performance during the media launch event

Anak Bijak, Mak Menang campaign begins 1 November 2015 and will last through to 31 December 2015. Smart Activity Cards for children at CURIOUS, EXPLORE, CREATE and LEARN stages come with the respective Dutch Lady Nutri PlanTM with 5X DHA* available at major retail outlets. For more information on the campaign, please go to

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