
安全的家来自于ONVIA VEDO S1无线保安系统

市场上有很多家庭保安系统,但是在我们一番研究过后,我们选择了来自韩国的ONVIA VEDO S1无线保安系统
我们选择ONVIA VEDO S1无线保安系统除了因为它得到过无数奖项,提供一系列的功能之外,还被它很炫的设计深深吸引。ONVIA VEDO S1无线保安系统的主控制台有黑色或白色,将它摆在家里任何地方都很好看,除了有触动荧幕功能,它还可以摆在起居间充作防护沟通系统。
ONVIA VEDO S1无线保安系统很容易安装,我们只花了五分钟就安装好了。系统只是需要电话线就可以使用了。就算家里没电,它也可以继续操作十六个小时。如果电池寿命就快完了,我们会收到系统的电话通知。
我们可以设定最多五个紧急电话号码。孩子在家发生什么事情就可以使用遥控器的 SOS’按钮第一时间联系我们。
另外,我们也可以选择性另加安装更多门口磁铁探测器 (六十马币),窗户磁铁探测器(七十马币)(最多可以另加安装到五十个磁铁探测器)。磁铁探测器使用 AA电池,一般上可以耐八至十二个月,如果电池寿命就快完了,磁铁探测器会发出‘毕毕’声以警惕我们更换电池。

Guardian Gives Garfield On-The-Go, Spreads Back-To-School and Festive Cheer

Leading pharmacy, health and beauty retailer Guardian Malaysia celebrates the season of giving with 100 underprivileged children at a special luncheon on 29 Dec 2015, presenting each child with exclusive Garfield On-the-Go backpacks, trolley bags and schooling necessities.
The back-to-school gifts were presented to the children by Peter J. Dove, Chief Executive
Officer of Guardian Health and Beauty Sdn Bhd (Guardian Malaysia) who hosted a luncheon organised exclusively for them and their care-givers.

Dove said: “We are honoured to have this opportunity of sharing and giving this festive
season. While we celebrate, it is also our culture to reach out to those in need, which is in
line with the Company’s giving back to the community programme,” He hopes the exclusively designed bags featuring one of the most-loved icons for youngsters would help kick-start the school year for the children.

The children aged 7 to 17 from Grace Community Services, Good Samaritan Home and
Parents without Partners, enjoyed a scrumptious lunch and an afternoon of fun-filled
activities put together just for them by Guardian Malaysia.

The Garfield On-the-Go items are available exclusively at Guardian, which recently launched a redemption programme.

Christina Low, Marketing Director of Guardian Malaysia, said the programme had gained
incredible traction since it began in November, and the Company is constantly on the lookout for ways to reward customers and improve their shopping experience at Guardian.

Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Essence Gives You Long-Lasting Hydration

Keeping our skin hydrated is vital to look healthy, vibrant and less wrinkles. I started using hydrating skincare every day since mid-20‘s. I have tried out many hydrating care products and one of my current favourite ones is Hada Labo's Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Essence.
I esp. like its sleek and user friendly dropper bottle

Hada Labo is the ideal hydrating skincare brand as it is committed to bringing the most advanced technology in hydrating skincare, they invests in continuous product innovation as well as research and development.
My Hada Labo Hydrating Skincare regime

Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Essence if formulated with Moist24 Technology that provides 24 hours hydration and combines with 4 types of Hyaluronic Acid, this new hydrating essence moisture concentration is 3 times more than the hydrating lotion. It fully hydrates the skin from the surface of the skin to the inner layers of the skin.
Ingredients of Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Essence

Hada Labo Hydrating Essence contains active ingredients that have ability to form a natural water reservoir to continuously retain, lock and restore moisture in the skin. When paired together with Hada Labo's Hydrating Lotion, the skin is able to achieve a 30% moisture increase while at the same time maintain its hydrating power for more than 7 hours. In addition, the Hydrating Essence is also formulated with Hada Labo's High Performance Penetrating & Deep Moisturizing (HHP&M) technology. This technology helps to boost the skin’s ability to absorb the nutrients from the next skin care product you apply on your skin.
Many women do not have the habit of using essence. However by adding essence to your daily skincare regime (after lotion, before moisturizer), you can effectively treat the deeper layers of the epidermis. The usage of essence is highly recommended for those who have dry & dehydrated skin as the usage of essence will give you noticeable results. 

Beautiful Tresses for The New Year by Daisuke Salon

New Year is approaching in few days’ time. With many New Year celebration parties around the corner, I have shopped a lot of new party clothes, new bags, new shoes and also prep my skin for that perfect party makeup. But what about my hair? I believe that beautiful tresses are very important in order to look great, don’t you agree? Hence, I visited my favourite hair salon, Daisuke Salon to have my hair makeover recently.
Oh My messy hair :(((

The experienced hair stylist, Daisuke-san advised me to have a haircut and dye for a change. Since I trusted his professionalism hence I have followed his advice and ready to be transformed. As usual, I was offered a complimentary cup of hot green tea while having my hair makeover.
I like how Daisuke-san trims my tresses, using his very unique and professional technique. After his detailed haircutting, my thick hair feels much lighter but they still look volumise and most importantly they look really edgy. I love my new hairstyles!
Then, Daisuke-san asked me what my favourite hair color is. I chose to dye my hair into ash-grey this time because I have never done any ash color previously. Daisuke san and his team checked my hair condition and advised that there are too many Red colors in my hairs (I dye my hair red a few times in this year) hence they need to bleach my hair first. Alright, it was my first time bleaching my hair and I felt a little bit nervous but excited because I know its gonna be awesome!
Daisuke-san instructed his assistants to wash my hair, and apply the chemical to bleach the lower part of my hair. They bleached it twice before Daisuke-san found that my hair was quite weak and he doesn’t want to damage my hair hence the bleach ended here. 

[Event] Klang Parade Cosplay Competition & Party

Last Sunday was an awesome Sunday as we got to see the great Cosplayers from the Malaysia Cosplay community for FREE at the Cosplay Competition & Party. It was held on the 27 December 2015 from 2PM to 6PM at Level 5, GSC Level, Klang Parade. The floor was flooded with youngsters, kids and parents to support the Cosplayers.
Organised by Klang Parade, the Cosplay Competition & Party was really happening. There were Catwalk performances and talent performances by fellow cosplayers, closing act by Alvin Lee Music, games and many more activities during the event. I could see that all the patrons from all walks of life were entertained throughout the Klang Parade Cosplay Competition & Party.
Klang Parade has organized this Cosplay competition for the second year now. With the purpose to create awareness to the public, bringing in youthful Cosplay culture to diversified crowd available in Klang Parade; as well as to promote the creativity and effort given by Cosplayers among the Malaysia Cosplay community.
The panels of judges have judged the competitors based on the criteria below;
Costume – 40%
Catwalk – 10%
Creativity – 20%
Performance – 30%

[Movie] Detective Chinatown 电影《唐人街探案》

Thanks to mm2 Entertainment for the invitation to the premiere screening of Detective Chinatown at Cathay Cineplex , eCurve last night.
谢谢 mm2 Entertainment 的邀请,我们昨晚在Cathay Cineplex , eCurve观看了电影《唐人街探案在马来西亚的首播。标榜着年度最有泰度的爆笑动作片,我想大家都对这部电影有所期待!事实上,我们蛮喜欢这部集合了动作,搞笑,和悬疑的电影。《唐人街探案》是由王宝强、刘昊然、佟丽娅、陈赫主演,首部在泰国取景的中国喜剧动作电影。大部分场景是在泰国曼谷的唐人街拍摄的。那里的风土人情和色彩让整部电影生色不少。
Detective Chinatown is an action packed comedy from the Producer of "Lost In Thailand". 

The storyline is:
A gifted boy Qin Feng and his second cousin Tang Ren known as "Chinatown No.1 Detective" are involved in a bizarre murder and become the main suspects. They have no choice but escape from the police to find the real crooks, however they need to solve the case in just 7 days. Everything seems to be impossible for them until…

影片以发生在泰国曼谷的一桩离奇命案拉开序幕,命案将多方势力卷入,在探寻事件真相的过程中发生了许多令人啼笑皆非的故事。天赋异禀的结巴少年秦风警校落榜,被姥姥遣送泰国找远房表舅——号称唐人街第一神探,实则猥琐大叔的唐仁散心。不想一夜花天酒地后,唐仁沦为离奇凶案嫌疑人,不得不和秦风亡命天涯……穷追不舍的警探——“疯狗黄兰登;无敌幸运的警察——“草包坤泰;穷凶极恶、阴差阳错的匪帮三人组;高深莫测的唐人街教父美艳风骚老板娘……等悉数登场!七天!唐仁、秦风这对欢喜冤家天作之合必须取长补短、同仇敌忾!他们能否在躲避警察追捕、匪帮追杀、黑帮围剿的同时,在短短 七天内,完成找到失落的黄金、查明真凶、为自己洗清罪名这些逆天的任务?

Human Nature Natural Hand Soap

As continue from my previous post, beside the Human Nature Rescue Balm, I am also carrying along Human Nature Natural Hand Soap (Apple scent) with me when going out with my girls. 
Day in and day out, we use our hands to create, nurture, and care. Human Nature Natural Hand Soap comes in handy when I need to clean them right up.
Human Nature Natural Hand Soap has a plant-based surfactant that effectively cleans our hands while keeping the environment clean and green. It also contains natural glycerin extracted from plants, which is non-drying to your hands and helps keep them soft and smooth.
Besides using it to clean my hands, I also let my children using it coz it's natural and safe to be used on kids. We all love the luscious refreshing apple scents a lot. Not only that, it has a cooling sensation that refreshes our hands instantly. It it also available in zesty Energizing Citrus scents.

Human Nature 100% Natural Rescue Balm

I like to bring my girls outdoor during holiday. But you know there are many incidents may happened when playing outdoors, and sometimes we could get  scrapes, scratches, nicks and bumps. To be prepared for all these, I always carry the Human Nature 100% Natural Rescue Balm with me.
Made with Tea tree and lavender oil, the balm soothes the skin condition immediately after apply. It also helps provide relief from itchiness and helps reduce skin inflammation and discomfort.
Easy to use, just gently pat a bit of the product onto skin. A thin layer of this moisturizing all-purpose balm is all we need.
Human Nature 100% Natural Rescue Balm 10g is portable and easy to carry around. It is suitable for adults, kids and even pregnant lady as it is 100% no harmful chemicals, no synthetic fragrances, no petroleum-derived ingredients, no parabens, no mineral oil, or other harmful chemical, and is selling at an affordable price of only RM 16.90.

Put the Bloom Back into Your Skin with Indeed Labs fillume volumising serum

Indeed Labs has introduced a new anti-aging serum - fillume volumising serum few months ago. This revolutionary formula serum was designed to work with the skin’s matrix and help improve visual signs of ageing including loss of firmness, moisture and elasticity.
We all know that our skin loses its density over time which is due to loss of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid making skin appear thinner and less firm. Plus, gravity pulls skin downward hence it is essential to start using anti-aging products in our 20’s, or latest by mid 30’s.
Incorporating the latest scientific innovations, the concentrated complex of fillume volumising serum contains 5 clinically proven peptides that work to help visibly plump trouble zones such as furrow lines, nasal labial creases and crow’s feet. It brings volume back into our skin, making our skin plump and looks younger. 
The 5 clinically proven peptides includes UPlevity, Matrixyl® synthe’6, SYN®-HYCAN, SYN®-TACKS and PatcH20. The specific combination of these ingredients helps to deliver their volumising properties into the skin most efficiently. This unique selection is super concentrated to allow for maximum repairing and to help with the stimulation of collagen production.
The product is sealed to maintain its freshness.

I use the serum daily by applying a pea-sized amount to cleansed face and neck.It is easy to squeeze the required amount with its tube packaging. The light and fast absorbing serum is nice to use in the morning and evening. 

Malaysia’ 1st London Street Family Park by The Parenthood

Good news to parents and kids, Malaysia's 1st London Street Family Park has opened its doors to us! Located on the 2nd Floor of Sunway Putra Mall, The Parenthood is the ultimate venue to seek modern-day parenting amenities, services, products and enriching experiences for anyone especially parents with their children.
Step into this friendly neighbourhood place where Big Ben, the red London Bus, red post boxes will greet you up. Shops nestled along yellow-marked tar roads against the backdrop of the English castle which is indeed a refreshing reminisce of fabulous London.
The Parenthood is the first-of-its-kind family park offering parents and their children an avenue to Learn, Play and Enrich INVIDUALLY & TOGETHER - all under one roof in the convenient of shopping mall.
The indoor park provides an interactive quality bonding and progressive learning platform between parents and babies, toddlers and kids under 12 years old. 
My girls enjoyed their play a lot at The Parenthood, while I truly love its bright and cheerful environment.
A wide range of enrichment classes available too from academic to hobbies and sports, amenities such as toddler area, 2 units of X-Box 360 and party rooms that can accommodate up to 40 children. 

Journey with Joy This Christmas @ The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf®

Merry Christmas everyone!
The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® (CB&TL) ushers in the Joy of Christmas with Holiday Specials and delicious creations that will add a sparkle to your celebration. 
Get into the mood with the Toffee Nut Latte, Double Chocolate Peppermint Ice Blended and Red Velvet Hot Cocoa or be welcomed with a Christmas Surprise Sampler, German Stollen, Classic Christmas Log, Sugar n’ Chai Cheesecake and of course, the highlight of the menu: the marvellous Scottish-inspired Dundee Fruit Cake!
“This season, more than any other, is a Season of Joy and CB&TL wants to celebrate it the best way we know how – by sharing the delicious signature taste of premium coffee and tea, mingled with traditional flavours of the Christmas season from various countries in Europe,” said Ms Fiona Rodrigues, Director of Marketing & Development at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf® Malaysia.
Developed by award-winning Chef Johnny Loh, the festive offerings are a mix of traditional desserts inspired by European classics.
“It’s been a privilege to develop this festive menu with the idea of Joy behind it – as a chef, I’ve always wanted people to feel good, even happy when they taste my food,” said Chef Johnny. “It was also a challenge which I enjoyed – there’s a fine line to tread when dealing with classics. If you play it safe, then there’s nothing new; if you make drastic changes, people may not be able to adjust to the new taste. With this special menu, I trust I have hit the right balance and that Malaysians will spend a joy-filled season enjoying this delicious traditional spread at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf®.”