
Build My Kids’ Body Resistance with Friso Gold

I am always busy juggling my career, hobby and personal life hence I always find time is not enough. As a mother of 2 girls, I feel guilty for not having more time for them even on school holiday. So, I always treasure every moment we are together and try my best to spend quality time together. During free time, I like to bring them to the neighborhood playground to fly a kite, jog or play with the slides and swings. Like many parents, I believe my girls learn best when they are having activities outdoor. For example, my elder daughter, Jia Rye’s face totally lit up when we made gigantic bubbles outdoors back in our Taiwan trip. That was a joy we seldom see in school and at home.
However, I know that my girls need to build a strong immune system to protect from the harmful germs and bacteria they may contract . Hence hygiene and a nutritious diet are crucial. Due to my busy schedule, I seldom cook for them hence I provide them with the formula milk to drink for balanced nutrition.
Thankfully, I discovered Friso Gold, which has become my children’s favourite milk drink. They seem to sleep soundly through the night and digest better after drinking milk twice a day. It is important to build their body resistance for them to stay healthy and happy.

From an article that I read recently, I found out that 98% of Friso Gold mothers are also happy with Friso Gold products.* 

Discover the reasons behind the love of mother and child for Friso Gold at

Disclaimer: *Results based on a database survey of Friso Gold mums.

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