
My Journey @ Silk Road

Hi my dear readers, I’m happy to have started my new year with a bang at Silk Road event last Saturday. Held at Metal Bees Production House, Sunway Damansara which is a place that brings me a lot of good memories as I have taken photoshoots, video shooting, castings, and fittings in this warehouse previously called Image Rom few years back.  It is converted to a space to rent for events or photo shooting.
We received a very nice invitation that comes with a nice pair of chopsticks prior to the event.
Silk Road event was an exclusive event that was attended by invited guests and celebrities, where everyone has dressed up so well that evening. Pretty ladies and handsome guys was seen everywhere at the event.
When we arrived at the event venue, we had hanged around at the holding room while waiting for the doors to open. 
The organizer had prepared some eye opening activities for us, which including the Contemporary art like Rainbow calligraphy and Chinese tea appreciation. It was mind opening experience for me, and leading me to the appreciation of the achievements as well as the people, values, arts, culture and tastes of the Orient.
The pretty emcee of the event was Miss Julie Woon. Dressed in a white modern cheongsam, she has showcased the modern taste from the East.
We enjoyed mingling around at the holding area, and not long later, the doors to the main attractions: the ‘dining room’ of the night was opened to us. We were excited and anticipated to walk into the dining room.

The dining room was decorated to lavish Orient style with different lightning. Along with the beautiful modernize decoration; we also seen a Chinese String Quartet band that was playing classical Chinese music to complement the experience of Eastern art.
There were 3 long tables in the dining room. We took a seat and found out from the menu that we would be serving a 4 course Fine dining that night, yay.

Entrée 1
Scallop, citrus, mints and petals
A total sensorial experience that refreshes from smell to taste. The double XL imported fresh scallops taste aromatic, creamy and smooth with the special sauce.

Entrée 2
Green Tea salmon 40°, smoked cucumber, textures of potato and green beurre Blanc
This is my most favourite dish of the night. It gives us a fresh and delicate experience that is balanced.

Plat Principal
Cordyceps chicken on chlorophyII carpet, porcini mushrooms and pates de riz
A balanced, crisp offer with a clean after taste that lingers on the palate. The bittersweet and woody taste from the cordyceps chicken broth pair with chicken breast is surprisingly a perfect match. Chef James Won has added porcini mushrooms and pates de riz to gives us a different texture and structure.

Plum, cheese, chocolate and basil
Dessert was then served. We love the dessert which taste fresh and with additional richness to the fruity citrusy finish.
We had a fantastic culinary journey prepared by the famous Chef James Won who has just flown back to the country in the morning that day.  He is also the Master Chef and owner of the anticipated restaurant Enfin. Bravo to his Culinary team for the dazzling dishes at that night.
The journey of Silk Road did not ended here. We had enjoyed the classic Chinese oldies songs sung by the beautiful songstress, Miss Diana Liu while having our meals.

Silk Road was truly an unconventional experience to me. It has brought out the Orient and modern sense and spirit with a mixture of classic and modern Eastern style. Everything that we experience with Silk Road, no matter how modern and fresh, is always rooted in the values of the east. It’s time to treasure trove of finest and most exotic ingredients and experiences.


  1. hehe awesome stuff babe :)

  2. nice cheongsam you have there :) The dishes look amazing!

  3. food looks great, dear , i still blur what is this silk it a restaurant?

  4. The food sure looks really good. Pretty cheongsam dear

  5. Awesome dishes!
    Love your cheongsam :)

  6. You look amazing dear. Such a lovely festive event :D

  7. hey lovely lady in cheongsam la...hihihih.. the event suit to CNY coming soon.

  8. Green Tea salmon looks delicious to me too. I want to have it also.

  9. The "silk road" theme very nice. Dishes seem very refine and great.

  10. I thought it was in China because of the theme name. Lolx! Not bad!

  11. You looks good in Cheongsam pretty mama.


  12. nice and interesting theme! food and outfit both look exquisite!

  13. You look gorgeous in Cheongsam..and this event is very cool.

  14. you look pretty :3
    the event seems nice

  15. Looking so pretty with the Cheongsam! Silk Road definitely brings another meaning level of fusion food =D

  16. The place and Orient concept looks amazing!

  17. Love ur cheongsam babe! <3

  18. Love your cheongsam! You do look happy there!

  19. This is such an elegant oriental event. I like the setup too.

  20. i've always wondered what event this is.. its a curated menu by the chef right?, not linked to any alcohol?

  21. Nice touch to the whole event from the invitation card with chopsticks. Lovely Oriental French theme carried throughout the event.

  22. Nice cheongsam.. Still, what is this Silk Road actually?

  23. Anonymous4:23 PM

    The food looks amazing!

  24. Interesting event with such a unique theme, I love your outfit too, so brightly red :)

  25. I wanna buy myself a cheongsam! haha... Btw, the food looks so tempting..
