
When East Influences the World

In ancient times, Silk Road was the trade route that connected the East Asia to the wide World, trading luxurious goods, culture and knowledge. Since then, Eastern influence is blending in with modern times and slowly changing the World.
Culinary is so much associated with Eastern influence and has growing popularity in the World. I remember that my History teacher taught us that Burger was actually the Western version of Chinese ‘pao’, and the creation of Chinese noodles has inspired the Italian to create the Spaghettis. Today, we have many different kind of fusion food that was inspired by the Eastern.
For example, my favorite Chicken rice sushi from Ruyi & Lyn. It is their signature dish which is a traditional cuisine with a modern twist. It seems ironic that the blending of eastern and western cuisines can have such different results.

Inspired by it, Silk Road is a platform that represents a journey of discovering the unknown and enrichment of self. It is a platform to showcase the opulent and contemporary culture of the orient.


  1. Fusion food.
    Great for ppl who are adventurous on their taste buds.

  2. I've have to say that Eastern cuisines have a better aroma compared to Western thanks to the pungent spices. But I personally don't have one preference over another.

  3. wow! the menu selection so unique here. nice presentation of food too.

  4. the fusion food does look very very nice! would love to try out someday!

  5. nice presentation . It is so cute :)

  6. the deco on plate is cute.
    love to try these food soon, feel so hungry now :D

  7. I love fusion food! And this nasi lemak sushi looks yummy huh!

  8. I like fusion food because it gives a peak into both worlds. Although, I must say I prefer Eastern cuisine more since I have been growing up with spices in my meals.

  9. I always love Chinese and Asian food over the western food.

  10. Love fusion food! Love how we can eat many kinds of food. Love how eastern and western food can be made such great combination!

  11. Sounds so interesting. I love fusion food.

  12. Eastern cuisines use lot of spices and i love it.

  13. awesome presentation of the foods here :) so nicely done :)
    cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  14. yum.. eastern cuisine is great, but so is western. :P maybe ours have that extra edge. hehe

  15. I have been hearing so many good reviews about this place, would like to try out too :)

  16. Looks really unique and almost fine dining. Nice! I love western but eastern have more flavours hehe... So my best combination is always east meets west ahaha

  17. The mini size of Nasi Lemak is super cute!


  18. be it western or eastern, it can all be great if created beautifully, but what is this silk road? i keep seeing it everywhere.

  19. I love how you describe the title. Food is really is a part of our life no matter from which country.

  20. It sounds really interesting and i love to try different food.

  21. I actually love to try all the variety of food but fusion is something to explore every time.
