
Better Health and Nutrition for Kids

One has said before, ‘healthy kids are happy kids’. As a mother of two lovely girls, I know the importance of giving them the nutrition they need to stay healthy and happy. For me, I think that a balance diet is fundamental but we also need to supply them with health supplements to build up a stronger immune system. Like many kids, both my daughters are picky eaters. They don’t eat vegetables, and they are hesitating to consume solid food. My doctor has advised me to give them health supplements to get enough nutrients, and hence, I have started giving them vitamins every day since they turned to 2. 

When it comes to health supplement, I will choose carefully and hence I have chosen Seven Seas for them. It is one of the health supplement brands under Merck, the oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company in the world.
Want to know what are the supplements I’m giving my girls every day? Read on;
1.       Multi-Vitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil contains a combination of 8 essential vitamins and DHA to provide the nutrients to help support optimum growth and the development of a strong, healthy immune system.
Multi-Vitamin Syrup with Cod Liver Oil is yellow and fluid and the best part is it doesn’t taste fishy at all. It is easy to consume by the kids and my girls love it. It is packed in brown glass bottle to maintain the product’s quality hence please handle with care. Comes in 500ml and 100ml.

2.       Kids Probiotic Multivitamin is a unique 3-in-1 combination of 12 vitamins, 3 minerals and 10 million TriBion Harmonis™ probiotics that work together to support healthy growth and development. It caters to the needs of a growing child in tasty chewable raspberry tablets. 
Kids Probiotic Multivitamin smells really great! It taste a bit sour but it has definitely improve my girls’ natural defenses and keep their digestive system happy. One bottle has 30 chewable tablets which is enough for a month consumption.

3.       TriBion Harmonis™ is a specially formulated probiotic complex to support balance of beneficial microflora in the digestive tract. This formula not only provides good bacteria to help reinforce a child’s natural immune defences but also delivers micronutrients required for healthy growth and development. 

One box contains 60 tablets that provides 10 million CFU-Probiotics, 12 Essential Vitamins and 12 Essential Minerals. It has a unique combinations of multivitamins minerals and probiotics to support our demanding lifestyle needs.

4.       Kids Fruit Gummies come in 3 delicious fruit flavours (Blackcurrant, Strawberry and Orange) and provide essential nutrients needed for healthy growth and development. 



Kids Fruit Gummies is my girls’ most favorable supplement as it taste just really great. It comes in 30 gummies per bottle but my girls finish them in less than a month because I replaced this with candy. 
I like that the gummies has No artificial flavorings, No artificial sweeteners, No preservatives, No added salt, gluten, nuts, hydrogenated fats, yeast and lactose.

Note: As the product contains natural colours, there may be slight variations in shades of the colours. 
My girls are healthy and happy kids now, thanks to Seven Seas!

Last but not least, Seven Seas is launching the Seven Seas #DontWorryMom Campaign which is aimed at promoting better health and nutrition for kids. Because worrying less means that you stay young and active for your family longer right? 
(2nd from left) Mr Richard Lee, General Manager of Merck Consumer Health Division, Malaysia together with (far left) Ms Amber Chia; (3rd from left) En Syed Azmi Alhabshi, Charity Partner; (2nd from right) Puan Siti Izura Idris and (right) Mdm Racheal Chan at the launch of the Seven Seas#DontWorryMom Campaign.

As part of the campaign, Seven Seas has pledged to contribute RM1 from every unit of Seven Seas Kids products sold between 1 April to 30 June 2016, to support the #FreeCanteen programme, providing free meals to approximately 6,000 underprivileged school kids. 

The #FreeCanteen programme is an ongoing initiative by Syed Azmi Alhabshi to provide free meals during recess to underprivileged kids while at the same time, educating them on the value of a good, nutritious meal and the benefits it can bring to their general health and well-being. The programme is also a good opportunity for everyone to get involved in a worthy charity project.

In line with the #DontWorryMom campaign, Seven Seas has also launched a first-ever short web film, which shares the heart-warming story of Sara and her mother, the journey and worries of raising a child, and the power of unconditional love. The video can be viewed at:
We are fully support the Seven Seas #DontWorryMom Campaign because we could improve our kids’ health while also helping those children in need with healthy meals. 


  1. My nephew loves vitamins! Because they come in colourful fruity flavours as well as gummies now. Makes it so much easier compared to when we were younger..

  2. love those gummies! :D definitely good for the kids and very attractive too

  3. Hmm.... look at the colourful gummies, feel like eating too =P

  4. Since my baby is still below 2, I dont really give him much of outside food other than food I cook myself and breastfeed him. Well, that's for now. I think when he is big enough, i would opt for supplement like these too

  5. my mum still forces me to take supplements, and I am already 26 years old. I guess that is one way how mothers show affection to their children!! :)

  6. Tell the truth... you were also popping those gummies into your mouth??!! Well... that was what I did... could not resist popping one or two of those gummies everytime I gave my daughter some ... LOL

  7. Yes, that's true! Kids actually need enough nutrient on their mile stones. BTW the gummies so cute, can I have 1? :P

  8. When supplements are this cute, making kids eat them as part of their daily diet is no longer a chore. I'll keep this is mind till I have kids of my own.

  9. The kids so happy, I remember growing up ate all these sweet colorful vitamin tablets :)

  10. Love how they make the supplements in kids gummies form! kids surely love it!

  11. Love all d suppliment fm seven sea
    Sadly i cant join d event last time.
    Still outstation.. d kids love so much huh..

  12. Good that your daughters wanted to take those vitamins, coz some kids just refuse to eat them.

  13. The gummie form for the supplements are very appealing for the kids Rane. Love how this was thoroughly thought through. Will keep this in mind indeed.
