
Ordering Cooking Gas is as Easy as ABC with GrabGas

Have you ever encountered running out of cooking gas when you wanted to cook? This is always happening to me, I always encounter this problem because I am too busy to juggling between work and family. I used to stick the cooking gas driver’s phone number on my fridge but it is so annoying that the number might be changed without my knowledge, and the fridge looks really ugly with the sticky note on.
Luckily with the technology, we could now ordering gas with GrabGas, which is as easy as ABC! Forget about stock up the cooking gas and the ugly sticky notes on the fridge.
GrabGas app was developed when GrabGas’s CEO, Sean and COO, Jeson faced huge problems in ordering gas and they found that there’s a huge problem in gas delivery industry as it is not well developed.  After doing some research on the idea, they also realized that this is a very potential startup to venture in. With this in mind, they started to post on various Facebook groups to look for more people to join their team in working on this idea together. Surprisingly, it caught an eye of a guy with huge finance and banking background, Gabriel Lim who worked with multiple banks in his career to join GrabGas as CFO. That was when GrabGas established their co-founder team. 
GrabGas is a technology platform which connects customers with cooking - or LPG - gas delivery drivers with mobile and GPS technology. With this, it will allow customers to find the drivers nearest to them in less than a minute with just a few taps. 

Save time and forget about the long awaited delivery when we are using GrabGas, all thanks to GrabGas' algorithm that is choosing the best driver for customer is always the closest interested driver available.
Also, GrabGas provides customers transparency by making information of the gas delivery order available in the app so as to prevent customers from getting cheated. How? Customers could get information like driver’s name, vehicle plate number, phone number and exact fare without any hidden cost from GrabGas. It gives certainty to the customers by providing accurate information such as the number of gas delivery drivers nearby the area, as well as the instant confirmation of order and status of the delivery.

We can 'call' for gas whenever the truck passes by our neighbourhood. It's that easy as ABC! What about some older generation who are not really tech-savvy? Don't worry GrabGas  has actually thought about them too.
How to order cooking gas with GrabGas ?

Step 1: Visit website and click 'Order Now'.
Step 2: Select your desire particular LPG brand, size and quantity.  
Step 3: Insert Name, Address, Preferred time and additional notes (if any).
Step 4: Enter your Phone Number to receive one time password code.
Step 5: View summary of your orders.
Step 5: Enter the GrabGas code that is sent via SMS into the system.
And tada, it's DONE!

Isn't it simple and easy? 

The delivery fee per gas cylinder is from RM 28 – RM32 per cylinder included delivery fees (Rough estimate as it depends on the customer’s residential area and driver's delivery charges).

Furthermore, GrabGas will be launching their user app for their customers to place their orders from the app, provided with other features such as a rating and GPS system in a near future.
For more information, visit their website at


  1. woho! not just grabcar. Now things getting convenient. They even have GrabGas. Thumbs up!

  2. Good use of already familiar name. Another convenient service coming up !

  3. Oh wow! everything is at your fingertips! Even Gas!

  4. Wow... really convenience yo. Things really getting easy to be done.

  5. Wow good apps, easy way for us to order gas

  6. Unfortunately something has happened at GrabGas.

  7. It's an very good idea. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea with us.

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  8. Thanks for sharing this very good idea with us.
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