
BHK's Glutathione | BHK’s 極緻透穀胱甘太錠

Oh my gosh my skin has become very tan after my Summer vacation at Langkawi Island! I am born with dark skin tone and I hardly get fair skin even though I tried on the whitening skincare before. Furthermore, most of the whitening skincare made my skin dry and peeling hence become a fair person is always my dream.
I was approached by recently and I found that their product, BHK's Glutathione | BHK’s 極緻透穀胱甘太 is very interesting. It is a supplement from Taiwan that helps to brighten up our skin and hence I have taken the chance to try it out to see if it gives me fairer, brighter skin.
I ordered my BHK's Glutathione | BHK’s 極緻透穀胱甘太 online and I received a confirmation call the next day about my order. After confirmation, I received my parcel in just 3 business days’ time. The product was packed nicely in a big paper box and bubble wrapped. 
Using the technology from USA and Japan, BHK's Glutathione contains advance ingredients below;

1)      Glutathione that helps metabolism, antioxidant and whitening the whole body, It helps to whiten up skin tone by boost up metabolism, and improve sleep quality too.

2)      Deep Sea Marine Collagen that is small molecule, which is easy to be absorbed by human. It boosts the skin’s elasticity and firming.

3)      Other Active Ingredients such as Vitamin E & C that helps us keep young and pretty. 

BHK's Glutathione is easy to consume, just eat 1 tablet after dinner daily. I swallowed it with water and hence it is almost tasteless to me. A bottle contains 60 tablets which is enough for 2 months consumption.
After consuming for 2 weeks now, I found my skin is more elastic and glowing. Though it is not very significant but I believe I will achieve my target with continuously consumption. 

BHK's Glutathione | BHK’s 極緻透穀胱甘太 is available at
Its normal price is RM 450.90 but they are having a promotion for only RM 209.90 per bottle now.
For more BHK's products, go to


  1. looks like something I need .. lately been too tired and listless.... everything is draining me out

  2. Wow! What a premium product! I also need it, been tanned since I started exercise outdoors

  3. First time hear about this brand.. But the product looks good in your review..

  4. wow a new type of supplement for beauty and overall health, must be good since you're always looking great

  5. I tried their collagen, love the result too :)

  6. I havent try this type of supplement ~ Will check this out in their website ^^

  7. Guess I need this supplement too as recently very busy and get tired easily :) cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing

  8. I ate this 1 month + photo show different
