
Schorl – The Handmade Pure and Natural Glycerin Soap Bar

I first encountered handmade soap bars many years back in a beauty workshop. I admire the beautiful thoughts behind every handmade soap makers, as they always make a bar that is gentle and moisturizing to our skin.
I’ve tried another Handmade Pure and Natural Glycerin Soap Bar brand, Schorl recently. According to Schorl, their soap bars has No Chemical, No Coloring and No Fragrance added. They were processed stringently under low temperature to preserve the natural ingredient essence, I have heard that cold process is true, original form of soap making.
They are made from natural Glycerin soap base that is a great moisturizer to our skin. Not only that, instead of selling in pure blocks, their soaps are pack in beautiful flowery paper. I find it more practical and also presentable to give a friend as present. 
I have tried 2 different soap bars from Schorl. First, their signature Candle Bush Soap Bar. Contains natural Glycerin soap base, candle bush and pandan. If you don’t know yet, candle bush is a medicinal tree and great for treating ringworm and other fungal infections of the skin; while pandan is a great aroma which I love.
This brown black color soap bar treats eczema and mild skin allergies, plus it also provides antiprurtic (anti-itch) function.

The second Schorl soap bar that I’ve tried is their newly launched Lemongrass Soap Bar. Contains natural Glycerin soap base and fresh lemon grass juice, this brown color soap bar has antibacterial, disinfection, and carminative function. 
I am into lemongrass and hence it is no surprise that it has become my pick-me-up first thing in the morning.

Both Schorl soap bars are lightly scented, and are easy to foam/lather up when add water. They are great in conditioning my skin, my skin feels clean, soft and smooth after cleansing off with water. I simply love my blissful experience with Schorl soap bars.
My personal tips for you: keep Schorl soap bars dry after use and store them at cool dry place to prolong their lifespan. Because they tend to melt quite easily as they are natural products. 

Schorl soap bars is suitable for all skin types, they can nourish and deep moisture our skin, especially for dry, sensitive and aging skin. The soap bars offer Basic Cleaning to the skin as well as treating Eczema & Mild Skin Allergies too.
Schorl soap bars is come in quite big size, weight 100g +5g and is selling for only RM 28. Most importantly is, Schorl soap bars are proudly made in Malaysia. Yay to another great Malaysian’ product.
Hear enough of our words and can’t wait to test them out yourselves? Visit Schorl Facebook shop at to purchase Schorl soap bars and try them out.

For more information on Schorl soap bars, visit their Facebook page and follow them on Instagram.


  1. wow i lovee the packaginggg ler so lovely..

  2. I've been using natural soaps since my skin got sensitive few years back...but I'm just too lazy to keep them dry T.T so it always last for the longest like 1.5 months only.

  3. Oooo, love the packaging. I really do need to get a soap bar for my boyfriend. he a fungal infection on the skin, hopefully this would help solve the problem~ thanks for sharing! =) cheers!

  4. The packaging is great.. would love to try these soaps as well as I do suffer from dry skin and sometimes rashes when the weather gets really hot

  5. Didn't know about this brand until I read your post, thanks for the info sharing :)

  6. I am looking forward of their lemongrass soap bar, I think it will be very calming almost like in a Thai spa..

  7. love the packaging. my current body wash is making my skin very dry. maybe it's time to switch!

  8. Wow thats cool! Previously Im using handmade soap too, really nice and no side effects :D
