But hey, I
finally met my idol NiuEr at Sunway last weekends. In fact, I hop over to
Sunway area 2 days in a row just to meet NiuEr. He is a household name especially
in his country, Taiwan where he is referred to as the ‘Beauty King’.
谢谢 Watsons Malaysia 让我终于和与牛尔老师有近距离的接触。上周末,配合Watsons Malaysia 推介 Naruko 品牌,我一连两天都往双威跑,只为了和我的冻龄偶像:牛尔老师见面。
Unlike many
other beauty gurus I have met before, NiuEr was very down to earth and very
friendly. He knows that as a normal person like us, we are not afford to many
high ends brands hence he has shared the skincare tips of save and effective
one. He also likes to share his personal stories with us.
Not only
that, he was proud to share his age with all of us. Look at his fair and nice skin,
can you believe NiuEr is 49 year old this year?

On the Naruko
product launching event happened at in front of Watsons Sunway Pyramid store on
Saturday noon, NiuEr has picked a very lucky lady to become the model for his
series. He also taught us how to make a mask sandwich, that is, apply the
Naruko tea tree shine control and blemish clear night gelly then follow with a
facial mask. This way, the skin is fully nourishes and gives an instant result
after removing the masks. The facial mask could be store back into the package
and store in the fridge to use for 2 to 3 times again. Or we could dap the
leftover onto our body to save from buying a body lotion.
NiuEr also shared us
the Naruko Bunga Raya Snow White Ice-cooling mask which is only available exclusively in
Watsons Malaysia! Such an honoured to us! As a blogger, I also got the chance
to attend the press conference with the other media at Delicious. There, he has
shared more information about beauty.
在星期六那天,Naruko 品牌在Watsons
Malaysia @ Sunway Pyramid 举行产品推介礼。牛尔老师在现场找了一位模特儿示范如何做面膜三文治。也就是敷上茶樹痘痘粉刺调理晚安冻膜后再敷上丝织面膜。剩下的面膜可以收在袋子里放进冰箱再使用,或者用来搽身体,尤其是时常被忽略的手肘部位哦。还要推荐给大家只有在马来西亚才发售的大紅花冰肌雪膚面膜。身为 Watsons 的博客一份子,我很有幸地参与了在Delicious 举行的记者会。那里,老师分享了更多的美容资讯。
On the Beauty
workshop at Sunway Resorts & Spa on Sunday morning, NiuEr has brought us
through the history of Naruko and introduced some new products. The new series
including Raw Job’s tear supercritical CO2 pore minimizing & brightening
night gelly and the illuminating bright essential gel cream which will be
available on Watsons e-com soon. After the workshop, NiuEr was very
patient and had a picture with each and every fans before he left.
在星期天那天的美容工作坊,也有两位幸运儿被选中成为现场示范 的模特儿作为红薏仁超臨界毛孔美白晚安凍膜和网站特购系列:京城之霜系列的示范者。当然他们的效果也是很好的。之后,老师也耐心地跟现场的粉丝一一拍照留念,我实在是太开心了!
They say, there
are no ugly women in the world, just lazy ones. So let’s start loving ourselves
more and take good care of our skin too.
For more
information on Naruko in Malaysia, visit www.watsons.com.my

So lucky you get to meet NiuEr Lau Shi!! He has the best skill!
The Raw Job’s Tears series of product is really nice! So glad that finally the products series is available in Malaysia!
Taiwan Beauty King?? Haha.. Sounded kinda off but well, his skin does look very good. I wish I had smooth skin like that.. :P
Niu Er looks young with beautiful skin at his age. I want to learn to maintain youthness like him too.
Mad props to them for keeping their youth even as their age advances. I really need to learn from these gurus.
I actually don't know who niu er is. But he looks cool! Haha.
now even their guys looks good.. and here i am with redness and uneven skin tone.. haihhh.. huhu
Love this brand. Whoa! so lucky gotta meet the guru.
Niur Er Teacher look so young in his look and i love his sharing about the beauty tips.
Good to see the person behind the brand. Noticed the brand a lot I guess I'll try out some products soon🤓
do drop by... GreenStory
His skin is so flawless! Hopefully my skin can be flawless like him. =D
Niu er looks young at his age! Too bad that day I am not in town, would love to their his skin care brand =D
Wow... now if I can get that Niu Er's complexion... I would be over the moon...
so lucky can meet Niu Er!!I wish i can join next time!!
I'm also a fan of Niu Er Teacher. I watch him in Taiwanese beauty show too.. Like the tips that he been given ^^ so sad i can't meet him in real !
Awwww... wish that i was there last week! Niu Er looks so young at his age! Hope he can come to malaysia again to teach us his great tips!
Awwww.. wish that i was there last week! Niu Er looks so young at his age! Hope he can come to Malaysia again to teach us his great tips on skin care.
Wow awesome encounter with him ! Thanks for sharing your experience !
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